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"Mr. Aizawa!"

Little Poudretteite ran, trying her best to catch up with the pro-hero. Aizawa turned his head lazily and glanced at her before she finally reached by his side and hummed. "Good morning, Poudretteite. I heard that you'll be assisting my class from now on," he said before looking straight forward once again. Pou decided to give him a small smile before nodding, "Y-yes... Sorry if I'm late!"

He shook his head, "You're not training to be a hero so I would care less. As long as you meet me right before I enter the class room, you'll be okay."

Pou nodded her head as she remembered that. "Got it," she said with a smile. "Nezu wants me to give you this," Aizawa said before giving her a transparent tablet. She stayed for a second staring at it before taking it. Poudretteite examined the thing she was holding in confusion and curiosity, "Um... What is this..?—"

"A tab, full of informations about your schedules and activities."

"Can't I just write them on papers..?—"

"Paper ruins the environment."


Aizawa sighed, "It was given to you. Use it at maximum capacity, okay? Give your best, plus ultra, yaddi yadda."

Poudretteite snorted and giggled softly at how cute he was being, making him arch his eyebrows at her. She smiled warmly and hugged the tablet, "Plus Ultra."

He nodded, "good."

The bell rang exactly as Aizawa and Poudretteite reached the classroom door. "Don't be too shy, okay? They won't bite. Well... Some of them probably won't. Come in when you heard me say so," He said, not giving any time for Poudretteite to answer as he opened the door harshly and entered the classroom.

"It takes you 6 seconds to settle down. At least it wasn't as bad as before," Poudretteite heard his voice fading away as he stayed in the class.

"I'd like you all to meet someone, she will be staying with us as my assistant. Please don't scare her off, I'm talking to especially you Bakugou," Aizawa's voice deepened at the last sentence. The whole class snickered and laugh, teasing him making him roar out loud. "I'M NOT SCARY!" He barked, making another blond snort and laugh at him, "Sure you aren't!"

"Quiet!" Aizawa hissed once again.

He then looked at Pou who was standing nervously, and she looked at him back. He nodded, making her nod back before trying to calm herself.

She held a determined yet friendly face as she entered the classroom.

Her hair was illuminated by the sunshine, her whole figure stunned the whole class. Poudretteite became a bit more nervous as all she heard was silence. Then she heard whispers, making her even more nervous than before.

She made it right beside the teacher, and faced all of the students. She examined all of the new and interesting faces of the infamous hero class 1-A.

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