The Revelation

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Harry's POV

Ron is acting weird a while ago. He didn't finished his food at the Great Hall. And then, Lavender followed him outside at the Great Hall. Maybe Ron is hiding something. I need to find out what it is. And then, I saw Luna walking on the halls

"Hey, Luna." I said, giving her half-smile

"Hi, Harry." She smiled 

"Have you seen, Ron?" I ask, suspiciously 

"Yeah, he's with Lavender. He's with her since yesterday after the feast." She answered, neutrally "Why?"

"Nothing, I just need to talk to him." I said, worriedly "Do you know where could possibly he is?" 

"Maybe is at the Astronomy Tower." She grins, and I grin her back 

"Thanks, Luna." I said, and I leave her on the hall 

I went to the Astronomy Tower, immediately and then I saw Ron and Lavender having a moment and then I sneak peek to them. And then, I saw that Lavender holding Ron's hand. I think they we having romantic moment. 

"I love you, Ron." Lavender said, as she flirts Ron

"I love you too, Lavender." Ron said, smiling to her 

"What are you going to do later?" Lavender asks, worriedly 

"I have class in Potions." Ron answered, grinning "How about you?"

"I have Divination." Lavender said, in a flirty way 

FUCK! Ron is dating Lavender. But Ron was dating Hermione after the battle of the mysteries. And now, He is cheating Hermione. I leave the tower and I should act normal. I can't tell the truth to Hermione.

"Hey, Harry." Hermione smiled

"Hey, Mione." I said, giving her fake-smile "Do you have class?"

"Nope." She answered, grinning "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm okay." I just lied that I'm okay but the truth is I'm not okay 

"Sure?" She asked, and again

"Yes, I'm fine." I nodded "Now excuse me, I need to go the boys' dormitory."

"Okay." She nodded

Why Ron is doing this? Why Ron is cheating Hermione? I should confront him later. I'm going to talk to him. 

*Ron went to the boys' dormitory* 

"Why you're cheating Hermione?" I asked, angrily 

"What are you talking about, mate?" He asks, acting innocent

"Don't be such an innocent, Ron." I answered, madly "I saw you and Lavender on the Astronomy Tower! You and Lavender are dating!"

"Alright! Fine!" He yelled, worriedly "Yes, I'm dating Lavender."

"But why you need to cheat our best friend?!" I asked, angrily "She loves you!"

"I don't love her, Harry." He spit out the truth "She's pathetic and boring!"

"Don't talk to Hermione in that way!" I yelled, angrily "You are hurting her!"

"Why do you love her?" He asked, making me shock "DO YOU LOVE HER?!"

"YES!" I finally told my real feelings to Hermione "I love her more than best friend!"

"Is she going to love you back?" He asked, in sad way "She's not going to love you back, Harry."

I walked out in the boys' dormitory, and I went straight to the Astronomy Tower. And then, someone followed me on the Astronomy Tower

Ginny's POV

I saw Harry walking out in the common room. And then, I followed me on Astronomy Tower. Maybe he has problem.

"Harry." I said, joining him at the tower 

"Ginny, what are you doing here?" He asks, worriedly "Don't you have class?"

"Nope, I don't have." I answered, grinning and he smiles "Are you okay? Did something happened?"

"Your brother." He said, sadly. "Ron is secretly dating Lavender."

"WHAT?!" I asked, angrily "ARE YOU SERIOUS?"

"Yes, he told me." He nods, sadly "Look, what if Hermione founds out that Ron is dating Lavender?"

"We should tell to Hermione." I said, worriedly "Before its too late."

"We can't, I don't want her to get hurt." He said, sadly 

"It will get worse if don't tell the truth." I said, giving him some advice "I'm sorry for breaking up with you."

"Hey, Its alright, Ginny." He said, giving me faint smile "You're still my friend."

"Of course, I'll always be your friend." I winked, and he smiles "So what are we going to do?"

"I don't know." He answers, sadly "We need to act fast. I guess."

"Harry, we should tell the truth." I encourage him, worriedly 

"Maybe you're right!" He yelled, making me shock 

"Let's go!" I yelled, and we returned to the common room

We arrived at the Common Room. But Hermione is not at the common room. And then, Ron is staring at the fireplace. 

"Harry, I should go find Hermione." I whispered, and Harry nodded

"Okay." He nods, and I leave the common room 

I went to the Girls bathroom but Hermione's not there. Where could possible she is? Oh no, maybe she's danger or something! STOP it Ginny! Stop overreacting! Just go find Hermione

Ron's POV 

I was sitting at the common room, and then Harry was glaring me. He's right, I'm hurting Hermione. If Harry tell the truth. Hermione would get more mad on me. I need to act fast!

"You need to tell her the truth, Weasley." Harry said, angrily. So now, Harry is calling my last name. I won't call his last name. He's still my best friend even though we're fighting 

"Harry, I don't know. If I can." I said, calmly "Sorry for yelling you."

"I don't care if you're sorry!" Harry roared "You're hurting her!"

"Harry, stop." I said, worriedly and I leave the common room and then Harry followed me outside

"If you don't tell the truth." Harry said, angrily "I will be the one who tell the truth!"

"No, please." I begged, sadly "I'll tell the truth."

"When you're going to tell it?" He asks, glaring me

"Just give me time." I said, sadly 

"There's not TIME!" Harry finally let his anger out on me. Great

"There is!" I finally yelled "Just leave me alone."

I leave Harry and then I return to common room and I went straight to the boys' dormitory. I will tell that I'm cheating her maybe after the game at Quidditch. Harry is right. I'm hurting Hermione. The Quidditch is coming this winter. I would tell it after the actual game against the slytherin.

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