Chapter Three

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We all turn our heads to the sound of my phone ringing. 

"Do you think it's him?" Ashely quickly asked. I rolled my eyes at her. 

"Why are you nervous? You're not the one breaking up with your ex the second time. " I say. 

I get up and picked up my phone from the dresser and answer it quickly. 

I am nervous. I always do this, this is probably the 8th time I tried to break up our little arrangement. But this time, Bee thought it was a good idea to break up with him through the phone because if we're alone together, it usually ends up is having sex. 

"Hello" I say slowly. 

"Howzit sweetheart, " Nate answers in his deep sexy voice . 

" nothing much, just wanted to umm talk to you about something " I said as I looked back at the girls and they are staring at me like they can't believe that this is actually happening. Yes, we seem like we are exaggerating but we are definitely not. Im serious. Nate is bad for me, I know it, they know it, but I just can't seem to shake him off. And it's not just me. I mean both Ashely and Brenda swoon at him every time he shows up. When he's not here, they will be like " I'm going  to kill him if he hurts you" but then it all goes out the window as soon as he steps in the house. 

"I'm all ears" he says confidently. I breathed in heavily and exited the bedroom. I heard a lot of complaining but I was nervous and I would deal with them later. 

"I uh ...shit" I say as I sat on the staircase. 

"What's wrong?" He asked with concern in his voice. "Are you ok?" 

I closed my eyes before I answered. This is hard. 

"Nat?" He asks again with a little urgent in his voice. 

"Yeah, yeah I'm , I'm ok, I uh, I just wanted to tell you that I can't do this anymore " I said rushing with my eyes closed. I waited for his response... A few seconds.... a minute. And it didn't come. 

"Nate?" I ask , now with concern. 

"Nate, are you there?" I ask again. Usually he would have given me a thousand reasons for us not to break our little arrangement so this silence was really freaking me out. And before I asked again, he hangs up. Shit!! I thought we could actually talk about this like civil humans. Gosh! I stood up and entered Ashely's bedroom. 

"How did it go?" They both ask me before I'm even fully in the room. 

I plop down on the bed and sigh. 

"He hung up on me" I say in a low voice. 

"What do you mean he hung up on you? " Bee quickly asked. 

"I mean, I told him I didn't want to do this anymore and then he hung up on me. " 

"Did he just hang up on you or he waited a few seconds ?" She asks again. 

"Brenda, what does that have to do with anything?" I said getting irritated. 

"It does, now just tell me. " she pushed. 

"He waited for like a whole minute, geez Bee" I said as I unpaused the movie. She walked over and stood in front of the tv. 

"Get off bee" I tell her in all seriousness " I'm not in the best mood right now. " 

"Have you tried calling him again?" Ashely decides to chip in too. 

"No Ash I didn't , why would I?" I tell her. 

"He totally didn't see it coming"  Bee says. 

"What the heck are you talking about Brenda?" Ash asks. We both look at her for some answers. 

"I mean, if he did he would have already prepared s ton of bullshit excuses for you but this time you caught him off guard. You actually might be able to pull this off. " She tells us.

"So you thought I could t pull it off?" I looked at her.
"Well you kinda try to do this since you broke up officially" Ash says in a tiny voice.
I couldn't even look at them I'm so mad. I'm not sure whom I'm mad at but I just know I'm mad.

Before I could scream at them, the doorbell rang. We all looked at each other and we all knew who it was.
" Well fuck me" I muttered under my breath.

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