Chapter Thirteen

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*Brookes POV*

I guess I thought that it would never happen to me. I mean, I though I was invincible kinda. And sometimes people just forget things right? They dont mean to but they do. It's not like I tried to forget, but sometimes it just slips my mind. I should have remembered because I was trained to ask since I was beginning to talk. I always wore a bracelet that said my allergy so I would remember to ask for something without it. But the thing is, I didn't forget. That was always my biggest fear, forgetting to tell someone about it. But the fact that I would tell someone and they knew but didn't really care never did occur to me. But I did remember. I clearly remember saying, "Please don't put any cinnamon in it, I'm extremely allergic to it." The waitor nodded and wrote it down, saying he would even remind the cooks. The thing is, he did. He came back to our table with all of our food and set mine down infront of me.

"There's no cinnamon. I kept reminding them. Here you go." We thanked him and he left. The other boys started eating their food while I went up to go to the bathroom. I came back and sat down besides Ash and Mikey and ate the steak. I saved the sweet potato for last because that was my favorite. All of the boys were done eating when I took a bite of the potato. I chewed it and swallowed and went to take another bite when my mouth went tingly. I started to sweat and I put down my fork so I could cough into my hand. All the boys looked at me as I tried to take breath but couldn't.

"Are you okay?" Luke asked. I shook my head as sweat gathered on the back of my neck. Ash leaned over and picked up my fork and sniffed it.

"There's cinnamon in this." He looked up at Mikey who was already calling 911. I coughed and struggled to breathe. My mouth was dry and I couldn't swallow.

"Michael where's the EpiPen?" Luke screamed. People were turning to look at us because the boys were yelling. I tried to say something but my lips burned and were swelling. Tears rad down my face over the rash that was gathering around my mouth. I tried to focus on Mikey but everything was blurry and everything sounded like it was underwater. The next thing I knew, I was being pulled into an ambulance, not letting go of the death grip I had on Mikey. They let him into the ambulance and they took off. The paramedics shined a bright light into my face and I tried to move out of the way of it, but they held my head still. I felt a sharp pain in my leg and I screamed and went to grab it but the paramedics held my arms down on the table to I couldn't touch it. Suddenly the lights were gone and cold air rushed over me. I blinked and slowly opened my eyes to a bright white.

"Honey can you open your mouth for me?" I was asked. I shut my eyes and opened my mouth. I opened my eyes one last time to see Michael being held by one of the nurses. He tried to follow me. I didn't want to be by myself. I was scared. I wanted Cal. Where was Cal? I felt something prick my arm and I fell into darkness.


It was like the life was stuck back into me. I opened my eyes and struggled to keep them open. The lights around me were dim so it didn't hurt my eyes. I saw Luke and Ash tangled up and sprawled across the couch the was sitting across from my bed. He was sleeping. Someone queezed my hand and I looked over. Mikey looked uncomfortable in the seat by my bed, but he was also asleep. Cal sat on the other side of my bed and was watching me.

"Cal." I said. I went to take a breath through my nose and felt something in my nose. I reached up. There was a tube running from my nose and I immediately freaked out. I went to pull it out but Cal grabbed my hands, preventing me from pulling it. "Cal please." I whispered.

"You cant take it out Brookie." He whispered back as he ran his fingers over the back of my hands.

"I don't wanna be here. I wanna go home." I said as tears welled up in my eyes. "I don't wanna cry either." I huffed as I threw my arms across my chest.

"You're just a little messed up from the medicine they gave you Brookie. Just go back to sleep." Cal said softly.

"NO!" I screamed. "I WANNA GO HOME!" All the boys woke up with a startled look on their faces. "I DON'T WANNA BE HERE!" I tried to pull the IV out of my arm but Mikey held my arms this time. "I just want to go home. I feel safe there. Im scared." I said as Cal wiped away my tears. I jerked away from him and tried to from Mikey, but he wouldn't let me. It's not like he didn't remember not to ask for the food without it, he said he did. Someone put it in and he didn't know. Maybe it was one of the cooks and he had just forgotten. No. You don't forget something like that. So I thought about it. And thought and thought, staring at the wall about Luke and Ash's sleeping bodies. I sat there thinking for such a long time that all of them fell asleep, even Cal. I looked over at him. His flat hair pushed to the side if his head. I mean, yeah I was okay now, but I was still scared. Maybe I'm just over thinking this. Accidents happen right? Stuff like this happens all the time, right? I should stop trying to reassure myself, because that should not have happened.


"Here, try this one." Cal said as he bent down to hand me yet another drink. I took the cold glass and drank part of it.

"I think I like the last one better." I said as I handed the drink back. He took it and went back to the bar. He was playing bartender and making me different drinks and I had quite a few of them. I was getting a little drunk and giggly as he handed me another one. "Cal have I ever told you how cute you are?" I said as he handed me one last drink and got in the pool beside me. He gripped onto my waist as I drank the pink fruity drink. He shook his head and laughed at me. "No really." I said as I looked up at him.

"Is this one your favorite?" He asked as he gestured to the drink in my hands. I nodded, my pony tail flying everywhere. "You know what would be fu?" He asked me. I laid my head on his shoulder.

"What what what whaty?" I giggled as I wiggled out of his grip to set the empty glass on the edge of the pool. He immediately came over after me and grabbed onto me again.

"Don't swim away, I don't want you to drown or something." He said as he eyed me. I looked down and he tilted my head back up. "Hey,whats wrong Cookie?"

"Im scared Cal." I whispered as I gripped the back of his neck.

"Why?" He asked. I shrugged but he didn't buy it. "Brookie you know you can tell me anything right?" I nodded. "Then tell me." He said softly.

"I told the waiter that there cant be any cinnamon in it and he said that there wasn't so why was there? I mean, did they forget? It's like they tried to kill me." I giggled and poked his chest. "Maybe someone didn't want me around anymore." I giggled again. His eyebrows furrowed together, signaling he was deep in thought.

"Maybe someone did want you gone." He muttered. "But who?" A face popped into my head. A bad one.

"Hey maybe it was-"

"HI GUYS IM HERE!" Ash screamed as he did a cannonball right beside us, throwing us both under water. I came up for air and laughed.

"CALUM IS SHE DRUNK?!" Michael screamed. Cal widened his eyes but then grinned.

"There are some of the drinks over there. She didn't finish all of them." Mikey went over and tried each one. We all swam and drank, but the one face never did leave my mind.


im basically the worst person ever bc I havent updated I understand if you hate me lol

comment who you think the person is oooo

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