Chapter Fifteen

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*Listen to Sad Song- We The Kings*

*Brooke's POV*

My mouth hung open as tears welled in my eyes.

No. No, he couldn't be serious.

"Ash?" He looked up at me through his glassy eyes. "Ash come here." He lunged forward and I wrapped my arms around his as tight as I could as tears fell down my face. We were still at the end of the driveway, but I couldn't care less who saw us at the moment. "Im so sorry baby." I choked out as I closed my eyes and pressed my lips together.

"T-this is my f-fault." Ash sobbed. I shook my head at him. He stepped away and I pulled him up to the house and upstairs to my room, where he pratically tackled me. "This is my damn fault." Ash said as he cried into my shoulder. I squeezed my eyes shut and rubbed Ashtons back.

"Ashton it's not your fault. I don't know why you would think that, but I do know one thing. This isn't your fault. Things like this just happen sometimes."

"IT'S NOT FAIR! HE DID EVERYTHING HE WAS SUPPOSED TO! THINGS LIKE THIS SHOULDN'T JUST HAPPEN! IT'S NOT FAIR! It's not fair!" He screamed. I didn't respond. I just let him squeeze me as tight as he could and I gripped him back.

"Ash, Harry will be okay. I promise." I tried to keep my voice calm.

"Cancer kills people Brooke." He whispered.

"I know Ash, but he's a fighter. He'll make it."

"Yeah Brooke and what if he doesn't?" He whisepered.

"He will Ash, I promise. I swear he will be okay. He will be treated and he'll live a full and happy life. You just have to trust me on this alright?" I knew that there was a chance that he wouldn't be okay, and I knew that Ash knew that too. Right now, I just had to try to convince him that Harry would be okay. "Have you told the boys?" I felt his head shake in my shoulder. "Do you want to go talk to them right now or do you want to go lay down and I can tell them?"

"Will you tell them please?" I nodded. I knew it wasn't really my place to be telling them, but I felt like Ash needed a break. I tucked him into his bed under the covers and kissed his forehead, pushing his curls out of his red face.

"Just get some rest, you can come down when you're ready." I knew he wouldn't be down for a while.


All the boys reacted in different ways.

Michael got angry. Like, really angry. So angry infact, he almost punched the wall and Calum. "THAT'S NOT FAIR!" He screamed. His hands went up and gripped his bright red hair, then went to fists. He stormed back and forth in a pace and he walked over to the wall and rested his forhead on the wall, resting his hands about his head. Suddenly he jerked and pushed away from the wall. He raised his fist to punch the wall and Calum put himself infront of the wall, trying to calm Michael down. Even when Michael didn't put his hand down, Calum still didn't move and continued talking to him, trying to calm him down. He finally did and thats when they both noticed that they had completely ignored Luke. 

Luke started to cry. His shoulders slouched and he turned his back away from everyone. I sniffed and I his hand wipe across his face. I got to him before any of the other boys did. I wrapped my arms around his torso and the second I did, he started to sob. Michael walked over and put his arms around us both.

Calum was emotionless. He didn't cry. He didn't talk. He didn't scream. He didn't get angry. He just walked over and wrapped his arms around us.

"Guys, what if Harry doesn't make it?" Luke choked out.

"He will."

"Yeah but what if he doesn't?"

"Yeah Luke, have some hope."

"Hope doesn't keep people alive."

When they questioned why Ash wasn't telling them and I explained his mini breakdown earlier - which was completely understandable -, they wanted to upstairs to talk to him, but i refused to let them. Clearly he didn't want to talk about it, so I wasn't going to make him.


I promised Ashton that Harry would be okay. I promised him.


I broke my promise. Big time broke it.


Basically I understand if you hate me for my lack of updates.


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