Chapter 1.)

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Sweet peas P.o.v

I was helping Jughead and F.P track down where the Gargoyles were making the drugs. Some of the gargoyles came at us, The guys and I punching them before following Jughead, he opened a door and I went in with some other serpents. We checked around but there was nothing, I walked outside and pulled out my phone then I heard screaming and a thud hit the ground. I looked up to see Jughead and Kurtz, everyone else ran after Kurtz. My phone buzzed signaling I had a message, I checked it and ran the other way I went to my bike and got on, I headed towards Centerville. I pulled up to a run down motel and parked and noticed the door was open, I went in and looked around. "Jynx?" I said waiting for a reply, the room was silent, my heart started racing as I checked every inch of the room. "Fuck." I headed back to my bike, out of the corner of my eye I seen Ghoulies they were standing by a car looking in the trunk laughing. I walked over to them, my pocket knife ready, they looked at me and stood in front of the car. "What do you want snake?" "What's in the trunk?" He scoffed, " None of your damn business." I locked my jaw and punched him in the face, the other ghoulies by him jumped on me causing me to fall to my knees, they kept a hold of me as some other ghoulies got out of the car and came in front of me. Two of them held a girl with a bag over her face and the other held jingle jangle, the one took the bag off and my heart sank, "Get the hell away from her!" I screamed trying to break free of their grasp, the ghoulie laughed and grabbed her face trying to force her to open her mouth, I broke free and punched the two who held me out before turning to the other three. I punched the one with jj causing him to stumble back, the other two let go of her and came at me, I knocked the one out with an upper cut, then the other I hit with my elbow before running over to her. "Jynx." I held her, "Are you okay?" She nodded, "Yeah, let's just get out of here." I nodded and picked her up bridal style and carried her back to her motel room. I shut the door with my foot then lied her down on the bed, she kept her arms wrapped around my neck, our foreheads touching. "Thank you." She whispered, "You're welcome. I'll always protect you." She looked at me, "You are amazing Sweetpea." I laughed, "So are you Jynx." I kissed her gently, then leaned my head against hers again. "Stay." She whispered as her grip around me tightened, "Always."

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