"It's just" -"Magical?"

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It was my third morning here.

My third day here started a bit differently than last two days.

How? Well let me tell you....
I woke up and looked around myself, then I realized I wasn't in my cottage!
When I opened my eyes I was in a big room with luxurious looking bed I was tucked in, chandeliers, decorations...

Then I saw Yongha with his head and arms on my knees sleeping while sitting on a chair next to the bed!!
I almost screamed, but thankfully Yongha woke up right before it.
"Ah, you woke up!" He yawns. I nodded still confused.

"So, Yongha, what the hell is this, why am I here, why are you here??" I ask raising my panic tone. Yongha raises his arm and says: "Hold on! Okayy, you are in your greatgreatgreat grandmothers room. I was here cuz I transferred you to here." He stopped and looked at me waiting for some reaction. "You damn telekinesis!" I said and he awkwardly smiled.

"So this is her room huh?" Yongha nodded sleepily. "When did she die?" I asked and Yongha thought about it then said "It's gonna be 150 this year, but in human years.... I'd say.... 14 years!" Proudly exclaimed Yongha. "I narrowed my eyebrows "How is that possible? If she is my 'greatgreatgreat grandma', how could she live that long?" I was getting more confused. "Well you see here you don't get older. So you live for a long period." "Ouh." I look down.

"What's wrong?" He asked scanning my down face. "Uh? Nothing." I make a smile. "Hm... no, your not." I look at him and sigh. "Ah, it's just, I, never met my parents, and now I figure out my great grandma hid herself in a magic dimension for years. And she was the empress of it!" He nods and presses his lips

"Well, I know how you feel." I raise my eyebrow. "Not the empress part, but when I came here-i mean when I was little I lost my parents too!" I slowly nod "I'm sorry."

The slightest silence fills the room.

"How do you mean when you came here? Weren't you born here?" He looks at me ans smirks "You really don't let anything slide, do you?" I shake my head. "Ah, did you really think we were born here? Hahaha" he laughed but stopped when saw my serious face.

"Well..Should I be telling you this?" I cross my arms and look at him "Ouhh, ok. So for all nine of us there was a shock, a trauma better said. In the moment of that shock the powers appeared with a female voice telling us to accept them. It was your grandma's voice. We didn't know how to use our powers so we used them wrong leading us to near death. When we woke up from unconsciousness we got here." I listened carefully nodding. He sighed. "There were more of us through." He looked down.

"Jungwoo, Eddie, Wumuti, Suren, Junhyuk..." I whisper to myself when Yongha rose his head: "How do you know them?"

"I-I saw pictures in my cottage, in uniforms, and on the other side of the frame there were letters." He looked like he was in pain. "Yes, there were more of us. Junhyuk was my best friend. We got here together." "How?" "Well we and our parents were going on a trip in a plane together. It crashed, and my telekinesis power helped me crawl Junhyuk and myself from the plane. We got unconscious from the the smoke. We met more boys that went through the same." He went quiet

"I'm sorry if I'm pushing you to say these things." He softly smiled and looked at me "No you are not, it's okay, you deserve to know the past." I smile. "But what happened to them?" He nodded "I said we didn't know how to use our powers so we did bad things, The Empress tried to warn us, we didn't listen..." he stopped and inhaled deeply "so they got executed, we snapped out of it and decided to retrieve." I nodded. "You want to know something else?" I think about it and say:

"The last question. How did I came here, I didn't get any power I only 'opened the book'?" I say
and Yongha nods "We created that book where we wrote our observations. When they got executed we decided to throw that book away in the river. In case that someone finds it we created a caution you could read. We didn't actually know it's going to happen for real if you open it." He looked down. "Wow." "What?" He said. "Nothing, it's just..." "Magical?" "Yea." He chuckles and gets up. "The others are downstairs we gotta show you your castle!" I nodded. He left leave me alone. I roamed around the room. I found my grandma's walk in closet. She had some luxury dresses suited for an older woman. There was some box on the shelf. I opened it and read the letter that was on top of it.

"Dear my future grandchild, I am your greatest grandma. You might find this weird, but I knew you are going to get here. You are curious just like me. You aren't going to be alone. I provided you company. They are nine boys I brought here. I am really sorry for what happened with your parents, and more sorry that I couldn't do anything. You might ask why I know all these things. It's because I'm a sidekick- I can see and tell the future.
Something like Jinsung but he only dreams it. Take care honey. Take care of the boys too!
P.S- I left you some clothes that might be your choice. Love you, your grandmother."

A tear fell down on the paper leaving a golden trace. "I love you too, grandma." I said wiping the tears off. I took the clothes from the box. There was a skirt, a long-sleeve shirt, shoes and some accessories. With no thinking I dressed it all smelling my grandmother's fragrance. She smelled like roses. I smiled to myself and remembered the boys were waiting me downstairs. I left grandma's room and went down.

"Good morning your majesty!" Seunghwan said bowing. "Yah, stop it!" He laughed. I rolled my eyes. "Where did you get these clothes from?" Ye chan asked. "My grandma!" I smiled widely. They all furrowed their brows. "She was a sidekick, she knew I'd come." They nodded. "So will you stay here?" Taekhyeon asked. "I don't know." "You should. It's only right." Ye chan exclaimed. "I agree, we also need a new empress!" Seunghwan agreed. "What? I can't be an empress, you are crazy!" I said and he shook his head "Actually you have to! Only bloodline can inherit the throne. Also I can teach you how to act like one, it's no problem!" Seunghwan says and offers. I sigh "Seunghwan I appreciate the enthusiasm but I ain't good in those things, even if you teach me I wouldn't like to be someone's empress..." I look down. "It's okay, you don't have to hurry, you have whole eternity to think about it." Ye chan says and we all nod. "Okay I don't know about you but I'm really hungry!" Taekhyeon says. "Maybe there's some food in the kitchen?" I ask. "Probably." Taewoo nods. "I'll go see!" Junseo says and leaves. "Yea, I heard the majesty had a never ending food supplies!" Sungwon said. "Hah! Where did you hear that from." Taekhyeon smirks and ruffles his hair. "Yahhh! Guys, Sungwon was right!!" Says Junseo from the kitchen. Taekhyeon widens his eyes and runs to the kitchen. "Woaaah!" He yells from it. I smile and go to the kitchen. The others follow me. "Nice!" I say. "Why are tou all standing? Sit down." I say and they all nod and sit. "Why are you like this?" "Well, because this is now your house, and you're an ancestor..." Doyum said quietly. "That makes no difference, okay? Please treat me like before!" They nod and Taewoo puts food on the table. I start grabbing food and rise up my head. I death glare them "Eat!" They all flinch. I sigh.

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