Chapter 8

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Your POV

You got out of the bathroom and saw Jimin

You just gave him a death glare and went downstairs

??? : Y/N

You turned around and saw Ms. Park

You: Oh hi Ms. Park

Ms. Park: Would you stay for breakfast

You: Sure I love too

You went to the dining room and sat down at the table

A few minutes later Jimin came down and sat

Mr. Park: It's a pleasure to meet you, my son has talked about you so much

You: Awe really

Jimin: Okay Father, change the conversation

Ms. Park gave everyone food

You started eating

You: The food is delicious

Ms. Park: Thank you, maybe me and you can cook together sometime

You: I loved too

Mr. Park: My son, I have a question for you

Jimin: What is it?

Mr. Park: What was all that noise last night?

You were drinking juice and once he said that you choked

You started coughing

Ms. Park: Are you okay Y/N?

You: Yeah I drank to fast

Jimin: It was nothing

Mr. Park: I think it was-

Jimin: Okay! Y/N let's go, I'll take you home because your parents might be worried sick

You got up and followed Jimin

You went inside his car

You: Ughhhhhh

Jimin: What?

You: Your parents heard us last night

Jimin: Forget about it, just like you told me

You: Aish~ Fine!

The whole car ride was silent

He took you home and you got out of the car without saying goodbye

You went inside your house, straight to your room

You: Ughhhh he's so annoying

You kept thinking about what happened last night

You: I'm sure it was Chanyeol

You were so confused

You: *sighs* I'm sorry Chanyeol, I cheated on you

Jimin's POV

Y/n just left without saying goodbye, I didn't care

I went back home and went straight to my room

I layed in my bed

The memory of last night kept replaying in my mind

I chuckled, I was happy

??? : Then why don't you tell her

I turned to where the voice was coming from

Jimin: You really like bothering me, don't you

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