Chapter 10

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Your POV

It was Friday, and you were so nervous

You never really performed in front of people

You were wondering if Jimin was nervous too so you decided to text him before heading of to school

-Text Messages-

You: Hey Jimin

Jimin: Hey Y/N

You: So are you ready?

Jimin: Hahaha no. I'm so Fucking nervous

You: Same, have you ever performed in front of people before?

Jimin: Yes, but everything went wrong

You: What happened?

Jimin: I'm not telling you, it's embarrassing

You: Oh come on

Jimin: No, maybe some other time

You: Okay fine, see you there

Jimin: Bye

-End of Text Messages-

You got ready and went to school

You arrived and saw Jimin

You: Hey

Jimin: Come, Ms. Kim is waiting for us

You: Okay

You and Jimin went outside where you saw people preparing for the festival

Ms. Kim: You guys are here, and on time

Well you guys can go and start preparing your instruments if your using any and practice if you want

You: Thank you

You and Jimin bowed and went on stage

Jimin: Ready

You: I guess so

You started singing your part in order to have it in your mind

You: Jimin, I'm really nervous

Jimin: Don't be, you're a great singer, and I know you're going to do great

You: Thanks Jimin

He hugged you and you hugged him back

Jimin: Okay let's do this

A few minutes later.....

Everyone started coming and sitting down

Ms. Kim: Okay, thank you for everyone coming today

I hope everyone enjoys this festival

So, to get this festival going, we will have the music club to sing a song for us

So please give a hand for Lee Y/N and Park Jimin of the music club

Everyone clapped and you went on stage

You took a breathe in and exhaled

You looked at Jimin and he was smiling at you and you did so too

You guys were singing when a big wind came

The clouds were becoming dark

You looked over and to Jimin but you didn't see Jimin

You saw...........

"Chanyeol!? "

You looked over to the audience and they we heading inside

Jimin: Come on Y/N

You: Huh?

Jimin grabbed your hand and you two ran inside the school

You: Jimin what's going on

You were so confused, first you saw Chanyeol and now you see Jimin

Jimin grabbed you and you two went to the last floor of the school

You: Jimin what's going on

Jimin opened a closet and you guys went inside

You guys crouched down, you were in front of Jimin

He hold you so tightly

You: Jimin what's going on

Jimin: Y/N don't let go of my hand!!!

He was holding your hand so tightly

Then you felt the ground beneath shake

You: Jimin!!!!!


Jimin: Y/N is not an earthquake

You started to cry hard

You: What's going on Jimin, I'm scared

The ground started to shake even harder

Jimin: Y/N-ah! Is a Tsunami!!

You: What!???

Jimin: Y/N don't forget this please!!!

I Love You!!!! I Love you so much!!!

Don't let go of my hand!!!

You: Jimin!!!!

Author's POV

The water broke the windows

The water broke the closet door

Everyone in the building were drowning and struggling to swim

Y/N accidentally let go of Jimin's hand

Y/N was struggling to swim up to breathe

The water slowly started to drain away

Your POV

You slowly got up

You looked around and everything was destroyed

You were still in the classroom

You looked around for Jimin

You: J-Jimin

You went out to the hallway

You called out for Jimin but he was nowhere to be found

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