Just a little something...{Girl Meets World Fan Fiction}

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        This is an episode that I'm making up, so tell me what you think...


                                                                        Riley's POV

        The noisy bell had just finished its job as our class sat down at our desks and pulled our materials and our phones out of our backpacks. Mr. Mathews, our teacher, my father, swiftly wrote a few words on the blackboard as our 7th grade class looked up, waiting patiently for him to finish. "Hello, class," he quickly greeted us. "Today we will be learning about 7th grade. Why, you ask? Take a look at what I've written on the board for you today." He made a gesture towards the board. "What does it say?" I hesitantly raised my hand. "Yes, Riley?" The class turned their heads to look at me. "It says... ' Labels, bullying and popularity '." My voice shook as I was reminded of a memory that had haunted me since I started 7th grade. "Yes. Have any of you had any expirience of this that you would like to share with the class?" He searched through the class for hands, only to have failed to find one. "Anyone?" He questioned. No one moved a muscle. Unintentionally I started shaking and my eyes felt wet. I sniffed and   wiped my eyes with my sleeve. No one can see me like this. My best friend Maya looked at me with a perplexed look on her face. "Are you okay, Riley?"

        "Is everything alright over there, Riley?" My father turned his attention over to me, along with the rest of the class. "Y-yes... I- um, could I go to the bathroom for a second?" I sniffed again. "Yes, you may." I stood up, my head hung low, and slunk across the room to the door and left. Mr. Mathews nodded at Maya and she bolted out of her seat to the door.


                                                                        Hey everyone! Tell me what you

                                                                        think in the comments. Should I


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