Meeting Niall for the first time

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You were enjoying a couple of weeks off in Marbella with your best friend due to it was her birthday and you two were celebrating it out of the cold weather in London.

You were tanning while your friend was swimming in the pool for a while. Suddenly you feel someone blocking the sun and of course you had to open your eyes and see who it was, you thought it was your friend trying to mess a bit with you. When you opened your eyes you saw the most beautiful man on earth technically, he had beautiful blue eyes and blonde hair, such a nice body.

"What's such a beautiful lady doin' here all alone?" the boy asked and you noticed how thick his accent was, beautiful. "Oh hi, I'm tanning as you can see but some random guy blocked my view" you saw and of course you were talking about him. "I see, I'm Niall by the way" he answered you. You told him your name and you two start talking randomly things, he told you about his family and him being in a boy-band and all those thing while you told him you were here celebrating your friend's birthday and few random things about your life.

He ordered some Caipirihna for the both of you and then your friend joined the lil chat and you guys stayed until night talking and having a laugh. It was time for you to go to the hotel and you were kind of sad because you didn't know if you'll see him again someday.

When you and your friend were about to leave, Niall grabbed you by your waist and randomly planted a kiss on your lips, your were so shocked but you enjoyed it as much as him and you guessed because he was smiling during the kiss. When you pulled apart you were trying to catch your breath and both were blushing and smiling like idiots.

"Can you give me your number so we can meet one of those days in London for a coffee or something, I would love that" Niall asked you hoping you would say yes. Of course you said yes and exchanged numbers and your friend took a silly pictures of you two just for a memory.

Weeks flew by and you thought he would never text you or call you and you were sad because he was really really cute and funny. You were laying on your bed watching some TV when you got a text of Niall and you were literally screaming and jumping like a thirteen years old girl with a crush. He texted you if you could meet him tomorrow in a coffee and he gave you the direction of it. Of course you didn't deny that offer.

Three months later after many dates and knowing each others a little bit more, Niall asked you to be his girlfriend and you said yes.

You now spend your anniversaries in Marbella where you two met for the first time, it was the best decision ever.

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