Birthday Boy

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You wake up to kisses all over your face and you feel his weight on top of you. You groan as he continues to kiss you, starting to lick you in between kisses. Whenever he’s excited, this is how Niall wakes you up, like a kitten. “Baby ye know what today is?” He doesn’t even give you half of a chance to answer before he gives you a big kiss on the lips, “Me birthday party! C’mon lovebug, get up! We’ve got t get ready, me family’s comin’ in an hour.” You simply smile at him, grab the sides of his face and pull him down to give him a kiss. He rolls off of you and jumps out of the bed and then grabs your hands to pull you up with him. You get dragged into the bathroom where he hoists you up onto the counter. He gets your toothbrush ready, and then his own and he stands between your legs as you brush your teeth together. This was an every day occurrence, and what he has told you numerous times is his favorite part of being home. After he had rinsed his mouth out, he pulled you off the counter so you could do the same, and then you stood side by side as you washed your faces. When he was done, he held the towel out to dry your face off. “Yanno dis is when yer the prettiest. In t mornin’ without a drop ‘f makeup on yer face. I could look at ye all day like this.” You blush and bury your face against his chest and he wraps his arms around you. You stand there holding each other and when he realizes that you’re not going to let go, he starts walking with you still against his chest, towards the closet. You pick his outfit, and he picks yours, then he makes you do his hair. 

His family all shows up at his house, and everyone just chills for a while. He’s sitting on the couch, with one arm around you and Theo on his lap. Everyone is just catching up with the two of you, and eventually it’s time to go. Arriving at the club, there are already tons of his friends there, and more show up throughout the night. He’s constantly introducing you to people that you know you will never see again, but you politely shake their hands, even occasionally being pulled into a hug. Niall talks about you to everyone, so even though you don’t know many of them, they all know you. They know how happy you make Niall, and they already love you so much. There is music playing and everyone is drinking and laughing and having a good time. Niall hasn’t let go of you a single time today, he’s always got an arm around you, or holding your hand at the very least. He left the cake design up to you, so with the help of Eoghan and Laura you came up with the perfect design for him. When it was time to bring it out, you had everyone gather around him, and he had you pulled tightly up under his arm, and presses a kiss to the top of your head. As soon as he sees the cake shaped like his barbecue, he laughs so loud, and just pulls you into a full hug. “How did I know ye were gonna do somethin’ like dis?! Yer so funny babe! Tank you so much, I love ye.” He kisses you and then turns and blows out his candles, with his hand still on your lower back. After the cake was delivered, he opened his presents and he was overwhelmed with happiness from all of the gifts everyone got him. You were sat right next to him while he opened everything, turning to show you every single one. You were so glad to see him so happy, to see him smile so much, to hear him laugh so much. So glad you could be a part of it. So glad that he’s your’s, and you’re his. 

He got a little drunk and you convinced him to go home with Sean and Darragh while you stayed behind, gathered all of his gifts and helped clean. He pouted and didn’t want to leave without you, but eventually gave in and left around 3 a.m. You, on the other hand, didn’t end up leaving until almost 5 a.m. You had helped the club owners clean everything up, and you packed all of his gifts in your car.

 Returning home you enter the house quietly to see Sean and Darragh both asleep on the couch. You walk into the kitchen to get a glass of water before heading to bed, but you find Niall sitting at the island asleep with his head on his hands. You get your glass of water and walk over to him, putting a hand on his back and rubbing it up and down, “Niall, babe, wake up. C’mon, let’s get to bed.” He is tired and drunk and doesn’t understand what’s going on, but he lets you help him off of the stool and up the stairs to the bedroom. As you’re pulling his sweater off he looks up at you, “I tried waitin’ up fer ye. What time is it? What took ye so long? I missed ye.” He had a big frown on his face and had his bottom lip pushed out until you leaned in to kiss him. He instantly perked up, “I stayed behind to help clean up, and I had to pack up all of your presents. They’re in the car, I’ll get them in the morning. I’m tired, and I want to sleep now.” He yawns and nods in agreement and crawls under the covers after you pull his jeans down. He watches you undress, and as soon as you head in the direction of the bed he has his arms spread wide open, ready to cuddle you. Crawling into his arms, you kiss his chest and look up at him, “Tank ye so much fer today, Y/N. It was the best day ever, baby. Tank you fer all that ye do, I know I don’t say it a lot, but yer the best ting that’s ever happened t me and I appreciate ye so much. Especially when ye do things like this. Ye put so much time and effort into tonight, and it was perfect. You’re perfect. I don’t know how I got lucky enough to have an amazin’ girl like you, but I’m so grateful. I love you.” He pulls you in to kiss you and you hug onto him so tight. “It was my pleasure, Ni. I love seeing you happy. You do a ton for me too, yanno. I like to give back. You’re an amazing person, and I’m lucky to call you mine. My best friend. My boyfriend. My birthday boy.” You give him another kiss and then rest your head against his chest. You give in to sleep almost immediately but he stays awake a bit longer. He gently reaches over to the bedside table, opens the top drawer, moves a book over and pulls out a little velvet covered box. “Give me time, love. I’ll be yer fiancé.” He kisses your head, puts the ring box back in the drawer and cuddles you close and finally lets sleep takeover. 

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