Meeting his parents

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Niall and you were taking an early flight to Ireland and then you both have to drive one and a half hour to get to Niall's mom house in Mullingar. You are going to meet his family and you're quite nervous about this. You both were walking down the terminal at the Dublin International Airport. 

You had met Greg and his little family before, one time they were in London for one of Niall's shows, but you hand't been to Niall's hometown yet let alone meet Maura and Bobby. You saw th exit of the airport and right after Niall started driving to Mullingar, the view was beautiful and calmly. Full of trees and the weather was cold because it was almost Winter but it doesn't bother you because you loved Winter it was your favourite season of the year.

"You're nervous, I can tell" Niall said and you turned to him. "Shut up. I'm not nervous" you laughed, leaning your head on his shoulder. He turned his head quickly to kiss your forehead before turning back to the road. After the short drive to his mom's house you were finally there and your nerves start to show again, you didn't know why you were so nervous. Niall rolled up your suitcase up the driveway while you were closing the passenger door but it only made it half away, when Niall's mom spotted you two in the doorway. You bolted towards Niall and grabbed his hand and he smiled because he knows how nervous you are to meet his parents for the first time, he was like that when he met yours but after all it went well. He kissed your cheek. "I love you baby don't need to be nervous they're going to love you" he whispered, "I love you too"  you smiled shy and look down to the floor tapping your foot.

You opened your eyes slightly and saw Maura standing there. You started to pull away of Niall's hand and he let you go. You smiled past him and he turned. "Oh hi mum, this is my girlfriend Y/N" he said as you tried to feel less nervous and more excited about everything. "I didn't imagine this happening with me this nervous and about to cry" you laughed, hugging Maura and kissing her cheek. She laughed too and you were feeling less embarrassed and more comfortable. The three of you went inside the lovely house and Niall brought your suitcase up to his room, where you two would be staying the week. "It's lovely to meet you. Niall has not stopped talking about you over the phone when he calls me and his dad" Maura said, giving you a cup of tea. "Really nice to meet you too, you're such a lovely woman". You looked over at Niall, who was blushing, coming downstairs to sit with you and his month on the living room. Now it was time to meet his dad "Are you ready for my Dad baby?" he asked and you nodded. You drove over to Bobby's. And it went the same as it was with his mom, you spent the afternoon with his dad and then you both come back to his mom's house to stay the next nights. 

You spent your first night talking with Maura. She shared funny stories and pictures of Niall growing up. "See I told you not to be nervous. She loves you" Niall smiled when you entered the bedroom, and it made you smile wide. You and Maura became very close after all, texting each other almost all weeks.

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