No More Pain.

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Raven and Cyborg stared in aw at how easy it was for the convict to rip the swings out of the ground, and take the chains off with no complications. Cyborg whistled. "Hey Rocky, maybe before you go takin' swings you should make sure you won't be fighting someone who knows how to." Raven smirked slightly. "The boys always have the best remarks..." She immediately became saddened by the remembrance of Beast Boy. How badly she wanted to hold him, and tell him how sorry she was. "Raven snap out of it!" Cyborg yelled. Raven shook her head and soared past Cinderblock, lining Cyborg up with the back of his head. "Now!" Cyborg shot his laser at his cranium, sending Cinderblock forward, tripping on his mess of stolen chains. Raven dropped her friend and returned to the skies. "Azarath, Mentrion, Zinthos!" She had managed to tie down the enemy. She should have known. The monster tore through her magic, and with one mighty toss, had knocked Cyborg down with a metal chain. Raven knew this meant trouble, so she tried to Radio in. Cinderblock knew if she called in, it would be over for him. He arose, and ripped off her communicator, and sending her flying across Massey park. Cyborg tried calling Robin, but the impact of the chain had broken all means of communication in his suit. "You better pray I don't get out of this, do you hear me!!" The half-machine half-man beckoned. Raven had returned by now, and tried once again to engulf the criminal in her powers, but proved no use. Then, it happened. Raven was sent hard into the ground, hitting her head on a rock, knocking her out cold. Cinderblock had used a metal pole from the broken swing and took a hit on her.

  Beast boy sat in a nearby tree, watching the whole thing. "I have to save them." He thought about calling Robin, but that would give them his location. "I have to save them." He attempted to comfort himself, saying things like "Star and Robin will be back in time." and  "Cyborg can get out."... but he knew he was wrong. Waiting no longer, He stood and said "Sometimes a mans got to do what a mans got to do." Taking one last look at the horrific scene set out before him.

  Morphing into an eagle, he soared below and picked up Cyborg by them chains that confined him. "Beast Boy!? What are you doing here? Where have you been?" The green aviary ignored his questions, and instead flew him to the tower, over ten miles away. After arriving, he dropped Cyborg at the door. "Man, what were you thinking!? Running off like that, you know how much we've worried? Robin wouldn't stop trying to call you, Starfire was making plans for a party when you returned, I couldn't track you, and Raven-" Changing quickly, Beast boy looked Cyborg deep in his eyes. "Raven..." He looked down swiftly. "Raven doesn't care about me. All she did was hurt me. I tried to open up to her, and she pushed me away... I loved her du-" "I know you did. And she loves you. Believe me. But right now, She is getting her ass kicked." Beast boy inhaled sharply. "We will stay here a few hours. He is expecting us." Cyborg nodded slowly.

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