I Hate Surprises

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(Kevin x Edd)

"Double D, get up!" Eddy yells throughout the apartment that they share, with Ed. They all pull the money from their jobs together to pay rent as they all ended up going to the same college, well Edd downgraded from an Ivy League school because he didn't want to leave his home.

Edd sighs sitting up and grabbing all his necessities before climbing into one of their two showers. He shivers when he turns on the water, it seems Ed took most of the hot water, so it'll be a quick shower.

Edd walks out of the bathroom drying his hair when he passes the calendar that he has hanging in his room. "Um Eddy!" Edd yells out as he looks at the calendar confused.

"Yeah, Double D," Eddy yells as he enters his room without permission though Edd doesn't seem to care, he does it too often to even try anymore.

"It's Saturday," Edd states looking up at Eddy confused as to why he had woken him up. Edd was wondering why he hadn't been the first one awake, like usual.

"Yes," Eddy responds as if that was obvious raising his eyebrows.

"Why am I awake?" Edd asks, this is the only day that he ever gets to sleep in and Eddy has to go and ruin this blessed day for him.

"Today is the school pep rally, homecoming game, and home coming dance," Eddy states as if it were no big deal. (Be aware that I am making this up basically, whether it happens or not in college is unsure to me but I just wanted to make it a "big" event)

Ever since they started high school Eddy had been catching up to others in height and by the time they reached their senior year he was big enough and apparently good enough to join the school football team. Sure Edd knew his anger and determination would come in handy but just seeing him pummel the other team is frightening.

"Why must I attend? There is no benefit to me attending this event other than the probability of those jerks making fun of me at some point," Edd sighs rolling his eyes as he sits at his desk to comb his hair and put on his hat.

"I thought I told those jerks to back off you," Eddy growls glaring at the wall as if in thought of how to get back at the stupid bullies.

"It's fine, it's not like they do anything when you or Ed are around," Edd says as he stands up and fixes his bed so that it isn't a mess from when he had first woken up.

In high school Ed got really into wrestling and eventually got a scholarship just for that. Though he's not the most intelligent being be is able to keep his grades up just enough, with Edd's help of course, so that he isn't kicked off the team. People wonder how these two big browny guys could be friends with the likes of a nerdy stick who has seemingly yet to hit his growth spurt.

"Eddy! Eddy! Eddy!" Ed yells repeatedly as he comes running into Edd's room without knocking but it's not like he was trying to hide his presence anyways.

"WHAT!?!" Eddy yells angry and annoyed to which Ed just chuckles smiling at his friends.

"Nazz is here," He says as a smile grows on Eddy's face and he walks out of the room leaving the other two alone. Nazz and Eddy had gotten to become somewhat friends their junior year of high school and eventually admitted their feelings for each other the summer after senior year. They were just lucky enough that they had both already applied and gotten into the say college.

"So, is May coming?" Edd asks as he starts placing all his necessities into a bag. His cloves, hand sanitizer, chap stick, sunblock, bug spray, and really anything one could possibly need.

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