Part of the Family

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Summary: reader wraps up her episode with her scene with Jensen.


"I can do it myself." Rose said snatching the rag away from Dean as she sat on the table of the bunker.

"You aren't going to let me help you? Seriously?" He asked. They were referring to the many injuries that Rose had just received on the previous hunt. A demon had knocked her out and Dean had to carry her back to the Impala. Now she had a bruise right above her eyebrow and a broken arm. Sam went out to get pain medication.

"I can handle myself." She said putting some rubbing alcohol on the rag.

"I don't doubt it." Dean said, "But it might be easier if-" he wrapped his hand over hers and took the rag.

"I said I can-" Rose built her walls up.

"Your arms broken." Dean knocked them down.

She stared at him intently as he began to clean her wound on her head. She winced.

"Sorry, I know it stings." He said.

"I'm fine." Rose said crossing her arms although she wasn't and Dean could tell.

"I'm sorry I let this happen to you." Dean said looking down as it got very quiet. "I should've been there for you and Sam."

"Hey." Rose said, "This isn't on you. I should have been more careful."

Dean stood up with his back to Rose, his eyes full of fear and regret that he didn't want her to see "But what could have gotten seriously hurt. Then what would I do?"

"Dean," she said understanding him, "it's not your job to protect me. I'm-"

He turned around, "I know. You're strong, independent, and you're just like me."

"I am?" She asked getting off the table and walking towards him.

"Yeah and that's what scares me." He said letting her finally see the emotions she could sense were there. "Because I'm...not someone you want to be."

"Dean," Rose said treading carefully, "you've been dealt a bad hand, I get it. Life sucks and there are parts of you and me that we don't like about ourselves."

"You say that but have you ever-"

"Dean, I hate the person I am." She said with a stern voice that still trembled. "I don't think I'm good enough or deserve anything and so I push people away."

"Rose, I didn't-" Dean said as he had not known this about her before.

"I'm just saying," Rose tried to calm herself down. She turned her back to him. "We all have crap buried in us."

"You think that about yourself," said Dean approaching her with a new understanding for her, "but you do deserve better than this life."

"I'm a hunter." She said meeting his eyes, "I deserve what's coming to me."

He smiled a bit, "Dammit you are just like me."

"And just like you, I don't get scared because one demon breaks my arm. I'm in this for the long run." Rose said.

"You never give up do you?" He asked smiling.

"Not that easily." She said smiling back a little.

Dean looked at her intently. She mirrored him. He knew there was no stopping her but he also knew he couldn't always be there to protect her. He looked into her eyes and wanting to keep her safe did the only thing that felt right. He went in for a kiss, slowly at first not sure how she felt. Rose, who had never let herself trust anyone was hesitant at first but had found herself wanting to do this for a long time and something about it felt right. They kissed. Dean didn't want to end as if the longer he kissed her the safer she would be and Rose dropped all defenses for the first time allowing Dean to be there for her.

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