Back in the Game

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BB: Big Bad of the season. Example of BB for season 11 would be the darkness. This is the BB for season 13.

Summary: Reader is back on the set of Supernatural and is filming an episode while also dealing with haters.


The Teen Choice Awards were in 3 weeks. You were very excited for them and they sort of shed a little light through your post break up clouds. However, they were right smack dab in the middle of shooting. You see, today you would begin work on episode 3 entitled, "Hold On Loosely" and you would shoot until next Friday. The week after you would begin working on episode 4 for two weeks and you would have to fly to LA on the Saturday after shooting Friday and then fly home Sunday night after the awards to go back to shooting the episode Monday morning. It's all very complicated, I know. It was also making you really stressed, that and the fact that rumors had gotten out that you and Osric had broken up and the fans weren't happy.

See your little flustered moment when asked about him at Comic-Con had caused fans to speculate. Some fans were accusing you of keeping secrets from them or lying to them about it. You were keeping secrets but you weren't lying. Now many of them were tweeting hateful things to you and you were losing votes for the TCAs. Sometimes at night you would just sit in your bed and cry over your stupid mistakes that were definitely having repercussions on your life.

You walked into the hair and makeup trailer to see Jared and Jensen already getting their hair and makeup done for the day. You rubbed your eyes bit. You were extremely tired. You had stayed up all night stressing again. You took a seat next to Jensen and someone started combing through your hair.

"Hey kiddo!" said Jensen holding his coffee, "Ready to get back into action?"

"Ready as I'll ever be." you yawned, "It's been a while since I've shot episodes in a row."

"At least you get breaks." said Jared opening up a pack of sour candy.

"Yeah try shooting 12 to 13 seasons in a row." Jensen laughed.

"True.!" you said as the hair stylist started to gather your hair into a bun, "So Jensen, I heard you are directing episode 5 this season. Why the sudden change?"

He shrugged, "It worked out better that way I guess. I scouted for it weeks ago." and he took a sip of coffee. You turned to Jared and laughed as he gobbled up the candy.

"Jared you are going to get sick." you laughed.

"I'll believe it when I see it." he said after swallowing the candy. Jensen smiled and started playing on his phone. The hairstylist tugged on your hair.

"Sometimes it amazes me that you guys are married with kids." you laughed reaching over and taking some of Jared's candy and putting it in your mouth.

"Speaking of candy," said Jared, "do you have arm candy for the TCA's?"

"Dude!" Jensen scolded looking up from his phone.

"Oh, I'm sorry Y/N." Jared said as you looked down and started scrolling through your own Instagram, "I meant are you taking a friend or something?"

You came to a picture from a few months ago. It was of Osric kissing you on the cheek at a con and you were giggling. You looked down sadly at it wishing that Osric could be your date to the TCA's.

"Not at the moment no." you said with your eyes lingering on the picture. You looked up. "Have you guys talked to Osric?"

"A few times," said Jensen as the make-up artist applied circles under his eyes. "Do you want us to give him the cold shoulder?"

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