I guess this whole story....... is about my dad I guess like how he just abonded me and doesn't even care. I mean I know one of your relatives passed away but thats no EXCUSE to sit her and not be in my life but APPARENTLY you and make time for your other dathers wow. Just wow it just kinda shows how you don't care you care for your other dathers but not be thats messed up. If I think about it I don't want you to show up you know why because your just going to disappear and not talk to me like you ALWAYS did. Heck I don't know anything about him all I know it that he is a horrible father and can't even communicate with his one of his own children but has time for the others.
°don't know his personality
° what he likes
°what he cares for
°how he is
° if he even cares and way more.
It's just like I don't know anymore I just don't. should I keep trying should I even care. I guess not.