Cuddling - 4

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When you and Harry cuddle he is usually laid on his back and you're cuddled into his side, resting your head on his hard chest. Sometimes he will let you hold him like that with your arm over his chest and other times he will use one arm to wrap around your back.

Cuddling with Campbell is every night, typically after sex. He is possessive and always holds you close. The most common position is for you to be laid completely on top of him with your legs intertwined and his arms tightly around your waist, letting your arms rest on his shoulders and you bury your head into the crook of his neck.

With Gordie the cuddling positions change. Sometimes he rests his head on your boobs, as it's his favorite cushion, letting you run your hands through his hair. Then other times, you will rest on his chest and he will do the same to try and comfort you. Although on a night you rarely ever cuddle together and have your own space.

Will is a huge hugger, he will hug you anytime he can. He will sneak behind you during the day and wrap his arms around your waist, resting his head on your shoulder, or in bed he will pull you close so you're facing each other. His hands around your waist and yours on his shoulders, looking into each other's eyes or just pulling each other close.

SPOON! Luke loves to spoon. He enjoys being the big spoon as you're much smaller than him and he feels like he is protecting you and keeping you warm. However, deep down secretly, he loves to be the little spoon. Especially after a long day out with the guard.

Grizz isn't too big on hugging, usually, he likes to wrap an arm around you and keep you close with your side pressed against his, usually holding hands too. He likes to just have you near him at all times. Any slight touch is enough to make him satisfied.

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