Remembering Sunday : Chapter Thirteen

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Chapter thirteen;

Day 15 Of being in this fucking hell hole. I feel myself slipping and i swear the next time i see tarix i will fucking slit her throat and make her regret the day she crossed me. Since ive arrived ive been restraint in my bed every day and every night, they put me on so many drugs im surprised i havent overdosed. Though each day it just add fuel to the fire that burning in me, and i get sick thoughts of slowly killing tarix and sometimes just locking her away to torture her as she is doing to me but tonight, will be the night i escape ive finally figured out the doctors schedules and the securities routines. There is no security Camera in my room so it makes my plan so much easier, if only i knew the layout of the asylum would better my chances but this will be the last fucking night i stay here and i will go after tarix and find joker. Someone will fucking pay..

It was evening time, when a male nurse came into my room to drug me into a fucking coma.. atleast that was what he was suppose to do. The male nurse was a tall sickly looking fellow. he had deep dark circles around his eyes and i could easily see her craved female attention. His looks prevented him from that. As he stick a needle into the medication bottle i knew it was time to make my move.

"Hey.. whats your name?" i asked sweetly as possible.

He looked at me and didn't say anything, he was a tough nut.

"I would be so happy if you didnt stick that into me..put i know something else you could stick in me" I licked my lips as i winked.

He gasped and bit his lip as if thinking what he should do next.

"You know it gets really lonely in here and i would love if a big strong man as yourself kept me some company, i could make tonight amazing if you take these retraints off me" I kept my gaze locked with his.

it was if he didnt second guess himself and began untying my restraints. he than began slowly rubbing his hands up and down my thighs. sweat began building up on his forehead, It must be his first time, a small voice called out. i shook my head and tried to ignore it but it grew stronger this time. Get on top of him and use the needle, stupid bitch. what the fuck was that.. but i knew what it was. Insanity was taking over and i wasn't going to fight it.

"Hey.. let me take you on a ride" I puurred. He smirked and began laying down next to me, i sat up straddling him, i rubbed his chest and began unbottoning his lab coat, " close your eyes, this is will make you roll your eyes back " I whispered in his ear and kissed his jawline, he closed his eyes and let out a small moan. I quickly than grabbed the needle next to my bed and stabbed it into his neck making him scream out but quickly covered his mouth with my hand and slowly he fell into a deep sleep. His body was limp underneath me and i couldnt help but let out a hysterical laugh, that was such a thrill and my body was in a compelte aderaline rush, i felt alive and i wanted more!

I walked out of my room wearing his lab coat with his Id badge to get me around the asylum, The hall way was just as i remember it, small and dark. except this time i could smell death. at the corner of the hall i found a axe behind a glass box, i guess it was incase of a fire or whatever i knew i just had to take it. Without thinking i broke the glass with my hand and grabbed the axe. my hand covered in blood only added to my thrill and i knew i was going on a rampage. As i kept walking i saw security up ahead patrolling i dont know what happened i must have blacked out for that second because when i regain consiocuness, the secuirty guard was on the floor bleeding out, his blood covered the walls and floor, the axe was deep in his skull , half of his brain just pouring out. The scene was like sex to me it brought me absoulute pleasure , it was like estacy in my veins and i began running down the halls laughing looking for my next victim.

Hall after hall it was as if i was craving their blood. everyone i came into contact with i killed instantly and it made me feel amzing, the next time i killed i knew tarix would be my next victim, i knew i was almost out of the asylum, but her voice came over the intercom.

"Melody if you leave this asylum, You and joker will die. can you live with yourself with that, you bitch?" Tarix shouted.

I laughed and looked straight into the security camera. " I will find you, and i will kill you tarix, thats a promise, sweety! And remember.. My name is Harley!" i pulled the gun i took from a security gaurd earlier and shot the camera as i made my escape. Tarix, im coming for you.

Remembering Sunday: A Joker love storyWhere stories live. Discover now