What happens next

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My dad called me the next day but on facetime. He was tied up and a man with a black mask on in his office ready to shoot him. I asked what the heck was going on and found out my dad stole billions of dollars from the man in the mask. The man in the black mask came to kill my father right in front of me. I screamed and my grandparents came in the room. They asked what I was watching on youtube and I told them I wasn't watching youtube I'm watching my poor father die in front of me with my own eyes. My father told me my mother had been killed in front of him with the same man a couple hours after you left. That's why my father told me to leave, I said to myself. The man shot my father before I hung up and he said he was coming for me next. My grandparents wanted me to leave and go to Africa. He'd never know I went there. They told me to take the pilot, Jerry, and the waitress, Jenny, to come with me as bodyguards. So we went to Africa and a couple days after I got settled into a room in a hotel my grandparents facetimed me. They were tied up too and the man had gotten there. He killed both of my grandparents right in front of me. I cried most of the night then fell asleep. He has killed most of my family and now I'll be ready. My parents and their friends set up a plan for me and whoever else survived something like this. We had to go to my bedroom in D.C to get to the underground tunnels and into an underground house that had plenty of water food and fire power. There was a shooting range to practice shooting at targets and bows and arrows,etc. Jerry, Jenny, and I went to an airport. We asked the manager to not show our flight because someone was trying to kill us. He said that would be fine and he let us on a private jet to get us there quicker. We got to D.C and went to my bedroom. Everything was messed up or broken. I hid my remote control in the wall. This is not a time to watch TV Jordan!" Said Jenny. I'm not watching TV. I pointed the remote at my bed and the tunnel opened. The bottom of the bed flew opened and Jenny and Jerry walked down the tunnel. I closed the box in the wall and cleared all the evidence that we were there.I pulled the latch down and it was like nobody ever came in. We walked down into the tunnels with our lights from our phones. Oh no my phones gonna die said Jenny. It's not gonna die Jenny, we have unlimited  source of power down here. It was like a gigantic hotel that was better than any small hotel! "It's a safe house" I said It will last us about a month, so we need to get used to this. So "we're like Batman!" said Jerry. "Ya.....Like batman..."I said  

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