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Y/n pov

The child began to stir from their sleep. They felt wrong, something was incredibly wrong. They didn't know what though.

In fact they didn't seem to remember anything. They....what was their name? This should be something they remember. Who were they, and ....what were they.

The child opened their eyes, they were on a couch with a blanket over them. They looked around they couldn't see anyone else. The child instinctively put their hand to their neck to find a necklace, they didn't remember it being their, or why they had reached for it.

The amulet was small and made of polished obsidian with a jade dragon in the around the edge biting its tail.

Inscribed on the amulet was a a mess of lines that looked like a word but they couldn't read it.

What language was that, Norse, they had no idea how they knew that.

The child jumped as a door behind them opened. A woman in some kind of black and white uniform walked out, the child noticed that she had horns and a large green tail.

The woman saw that they were up and smiled.

???: oh your finally awake, I was worried when miss kobayashi brought you in.

The child didn't know who this kobayashi was or what she meant.

Child: who are you?

???: I should ask you that

The child felt nervous as they realized they couldn't answer the question.

Child: I don't know

???: well then that's a problem. I well my names tohru, I'm miss kobayashi's maid

The child looked at her confused.

Then had a sudden idea.

They held up the amulet to her

Child: can you read this?

Tohru looked at the amulet, she seemed to understand the Norse.

Tohru: it says, y/n, is that your name?

The child didn't know so they shrugged.

Tohru: well I'm gonna call you that

The child thought about the name, it did seem kinda familiar.

The door yet again opened and a little girl walked out, she also had horns and a tail.

???: morning lady tohru

Tohru: morning kana

The girl looked at y/n and tilted her head, who are you?

Tohru: their y/n, miss Kobayashi brought them home last night, they were hurt

Kana: that's wicked

Tohru: indeed

The door on the other side of the door opened and another woman walked out.

???: uggghghhh, hangovers suck.

She looked at y/n on the couch and seemed to think about something.

???: did I do something while I was drunk last night?

Tohru: yes, you stayed out late and then brought a child home

???: not the first time

Tohru: I'm not a child

???: right

The woman turned to y/n with a blank expression.

???: so my names kobayashi, do you know your families phone number or something so I can get them to come get you?

Y/n tilted their head in confusion

Y/n: What's a phone?

Kobayashi: hmmm, ummm do you know where they live?

Y/n felt ashamed

Y/n: I don't r-remember anything before I woke up.

Kobayashi looked tired.

Kana: miss kobayashi, can we keep them?

Kobayashi: I don't think so kana, their family is probably worried sick. Besides you need to get going to school, it's your first day.

Kana's eyes sparkled and she walked off to the door in a red backpack.

Kobayashi sighed

Kobayashi: I guess you can stay here until we find your family.

Y/n looked into kobayashi's eyes and tilted their head

Y/n: what if I can't remember them? What if they don't want me? What...

Y/n stopped as they felt a hand on their head.

Kobayashi had reached across to them and patted their head.

Kobayashi: I'm sure it's gonna be ok

She sorta petted y/ns head and felt her hand come across something hard, she looked and saw a small horn on y/ns head almost hidden by their hair.

Kobayashi: please just be a cosplay

??? Pov

A woman pulled her sword out of her would be attacker and wiped off the blood.

She touched the small obsidian and jade amulet that hung around her neck and felt a tear touch her eye.

???: my sweet little baby, I will get you back, and we can be happy together again.

She looked at the portal she had sent y/n through  and closed it.

???: when it is safe I will come and get you

The woman turned once more as a dragon landed about a hundred feet away from her, she began to transform into her true form as the dragon of the chaos faction charged forward.

???: I have slain you comrades and your enemies, I will fight for my own, not for any of your factions.

Chaos dragon: then you and your half breed will die.

( I hope you enjoyed, please leave any and all suggestions thank y'all )

Little drunk dragon ( miss kobayashi's dragon maid x child reader)Where stories live. Discover now