10: The Truth

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'You gonna come out tonight? We're going to go set some pranks!' George said to me and Nico at breakfast.

Nico nodded and I sighed. That sounded like a great night and an offer I would have normally taken without a second thought. The fact that I was exhausted from the night before made me even more upset that I couldn't make it, the tiredness made my emotions more extreme.

'Sorry, I can't!' I said miserably. I would've taken pranking any day.

'Why?' asked Fred and they all looked at me quizzically.

'Full moon...' I breathed, making sure nobody but them could hear me.

'Oh...' they all said in unison.

Fred and George looked ashamed. God knows why, but they did. It wasn't their fault they forgot, it's not like they had to always pay attention to lunar charts to make sure they didn't offend me. I chose to ignore it and started to write down the piece on Unforgivable Curses I was writing for DADA.

'MAIL!' someone yelled and everyone looked up.

Suddenly, flocks of owls filled the air, all searching for a certain someone they had to deliver a parcel to. Before I was attacked by an owl, I made my way back to the dorm.

I grabbed A History On Werewolves, the book I got from Hermione last year and ran to the common room. I sat down on the chair next to the fire and began to read. There were no classes today as it was a weekend and I soon fell asleep.

'Molly!' said a voice and I opened my eyes slowly. Had I been asleep all day?! I guess on the lead up to full moons I did get more tired, but a full day of sleeping was a bit ridiculous. At least I hadn't woken up in a cold sweat, I had been able to rest at least slightly.

Nico was standing over me, looking concerned.

'Go! Now!' he said, gesturing towards the window, 'Good luck! And don't worry, when Snape came I took the potion from him and sent it to Remus. I told him you were barely awake enough to take your own, let alone send his. I've kept your story for you, but I hope I don't regret it when I see you in the morning.'

'Thank you,' my voice was rough as I looked at him.

The moon was almost up. I stood up, the book falling off my lap, and ran out the common room. I got to the entrance hall just before Madam Pomfrey. I was beginning to weaken. She helped me towards the Whomping Willow and I slowly walked in. Madam Pomfrey left me at that point and I soon found myself inside the Shrieking Shack. I settled myself down on one of the old, ripped chairs and closed my eyes, waiting for the moon.

I gasped in pain and opened my eyes. Hair was appearing everywhere and my hands were turning into claws. I yelled out as I began to grow a snout and my body changed shape, bones snapping and moving about. Minutes later, it was over. I was the wolf.

I headed towards the door, smelling humans. I came to the end of the passageway and was about to step out when I got thrown backwards. A branch had hit me. I snarled, extremely annoyed.

In my anger, having nothing else to attack, I began to bite and scratch myself. I howled loudly, in pain and annoyance. I caught sight of a cat in the corner of the room and growled in warning. It stayed on top of a dresser, staring at me. I elected to ignore it, it wasn't near enough for me to care.

This went on for hours until I exhausted myself. I collapsed on the floor, not moving, just panting heavily. The cat made its way over to me, staying close to my side the rest of the night. The moon began to go down and I changed back, although I was too exhausted to howl in pain.

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