00. you're drunk love, go to bed and sleep.

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Poland turned the tv off and got off of the couch, he yawned, the clock was showing 02:00 A.M, he couldn't believe he stayed up until two A.M watching a cartoon about a blue cat and a yellow fish– who grew legs

he was about to head to his bedroom until a knock on his door was heard, he was confused, who'd be visiting him this late?

Poland was a bit skeptical, so he opened the door a little bit, revealing only the other person's left eye and half of their mouth

"N-Niemcy?" Poland stuttered, was he imagining things now? he opened the door fully to reveal Germany — clearly drunk — falling into his house

"heh, Man könnte wohl sagen, dass ich mich in dich verliebt habe*" said Germany, speaking in his own language

Poland, who has little knowledge of german, tried his best anyway "uh, was tun Sie hier*?" Germany chuckled and got up to his feet, he tried to respond but he had already reached his limit

Germany dropped himself to the floor, making Poland's panic arise "what do i do, o Boże*–" Poland quickly carried Germany over to his couch and propped him down nice and comfortably

he grabbed a spare blanket from his room and draped it over Germany, staying next to him for quite a while "uh Niemcy? i know you're already asleep but, kocham Cię*" he mumbled the last part in polish, looking down with his cheeks flushed red "dear god why can't i just say it to him when he's awake?" he groaned to himself.


Man könnte wohl sagen, dass ich mich in dich verliebt habe : i guess you could say that i fell for you.
was tun Sie hier : what are you doing here.


o Boża : oh god.
kocham Cię : i love you.

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