01. late night pizza and bright buzzing tv.

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poland set the pizza down on the floor and got under the thick blanket he pulled out for him and germany to enjoy

they were currently at poland's apartment, staying 'till the clock hits twelve or more and watching the tv. grease was playing and they couldn't ask for a better movie

"great, pizza's finally here" germany groaned and sat up straight, taking a slice out, poland chuckled and got up, now remembering that he had forgotten the cola

"pizza and coke? amazing" germany sighed, "this is the best sleepover" he continued, filling the two glasses up with coca cola and clinking his glass with poland's, saying it was a "here's to the best sleepover i've been to in years, and i'm already twenty three"

they stayed in silence for a bit, drinking cola and eating pizza, occasionally making comments on the scenes that were playing, poland turned around and looked at germany, taking note of how fast time passes, they're in their twenties now when he felt like they were in their teenage years, going through puberty yesterday

"y'know, this is kinda weird and nostalgic, remember when we had a sleepover? when we were seventeen, at italy's house?" poland sipped his cola and grabbed a slice, laying his head on germany's shoulder and engulfing himself in the warmth of the blanket

"oh yeah! we played two truths and one lie didn't we? wanna play it again? for the sake of old times" germany said, chuckling a bit and pouring more cola on his now empty glass

"fine, but i get to start first." poland smiled, stopping to think, "my favorite book is carrie, i never made out with someone, and i lo- o boża" he was caught off guard, the lights turned off, "niemcy? are you there?" he asked nervously, anxious at the fact that he can't really see

he couldn't believe power had to run out around this time.

"i'm here, we should go to sleep now, i think it's about time, even the electricity's telling us to!" germany laughed, grabbing poland off of the blanket and putting him to bed, blindly pulling out a makeshift bed from under poland's bed and setting it up for himself to sleep in

"night, poland"

"yeah, night niemcy" poland replied, looking dully at the ceiling, he almost got it out, he almost got those three words out, how is the universe so against him saying that?

with an annoyed sigh, he shut his eyes and slept, thinking that he'll have better chances next time.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 05, 2019 ⏰

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