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I was enjoying a pleasant morning...

No birds singing...
Not-so-perfect sunshine...
...and our neighbor's kids fighting over a toy in sight.

I thought nothing can stop my day from being perfect until...

(*phone-vibrate-on-table noise)

Jierre: Sheesh... who would be daring to message me just to make that atrocious noise this early! huff...

Mom: Ji-Ji!! Breakfast is ready!

Jierre: Okay mom... be there in a sec.
Guhh... its from Andy...


{Hey Jierre! Im about to go to this meme convention being held in the grand hall later... since everyone is busy, would you like to come with? I mean... if you wanna come... I guess... Just message me if you wanna come... I'll be at the 7eleven infront of the hall at 1:00 pm. See you there!! or not...}

Jierre: Hmm... I guess I should go... I have nothing else to do here at home...

I hurried downstairs to eat breakfast. While im at it... I asked my mom If I could go to the convention...

Jierre: So uhh... mom, there is this convention I gonna go to with Andy... can I go lat...

Mom: Just be back before 9:00pm kay?

Jierre: Ohh... thanks mom.

I headed directly to the 7eleven near the hall... but not a single Andy in sight... so I have gone inside the 7eleven and bought me some MtnDew and a bag of Cheetos.

Cashier: that would be $1.95

Jierre: Here miss

As I turn around at a single glance... something tragically amazing happened

Jierre:  Thanks miss!!

???: Look out!!

Jierre: Whoa!!

(*??? drops her stuff)

???: You know! You should watch where you're goi...

Jierre: Im really really sorry... I was just...

"You should always watch where you're going you know or you're gonna bump someone"
"What!? Are you copying me?!"

???: You know what? Let's just forget about this... okay...

Jierre: Yeah yeah yeah... that's a great idea you go your way and I'll go my way...

???: O, kay, lets, friggin, do, that!

*walks exactly the same way to the convention*

Jierre: Okay... would you just stop following me?!

???: Me?! Following you?! Why the heck would I do that?!

Jierre: Oh I don't know? Maybe because you're a stalker?!

???: You're calling me a stalker?!

Jierre: Yeah, cause you follow me around ever since I saved you form that dog!

Andy: Let's go Jierre!! Cmon, stop fighting with that chick...

Jierre: Oh! Look who finally decided to show up...

???: Who are you callin' a chick?! Giant!!

Andy: Geez would it kill you to take a joke? Well, I guess you do cause you sure are a feisty one.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 06, 2021 ⏰

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