You hate why should you care?

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*Two years later*

It was a good morning. I wanted to keep it that way for longer so I stayed away from anywhere Jungkook could frolic. I sat under the cherry blossom tree, admiring spring coming to life, when two hands covered my eyes. 

"Who are-"
"Guess!" said the familiar, deep but giggly voice. I smiled.
"Taetae! Good morning," I said. He removed his hands and looked at me, grinning.
"Where's Jimin and Janet?" I asked the giddy boy, who then sat next to me.
"Jimin had basketball practice, so he can't come yet. Janet is with him, I guess. Hey, do you think there could be something between them?"
I shrugged with a pout.

"Taehyung-ah!" a female voice came from behind us. We turned to look who it was. She seemed quite familiar. While I tried to recall who it might be, Taehyung grinned.
"Oh Jisoo! Hi," he said.
Of course! Kim Jisoo, she was a friend of mine back in middle school, but we weren't very close. She came closer and she looked at me, stunned. Guess she recognized me.
"Kim Y/n!"
Yup, she did (goodness there are so many Kims in this country 🤔).

"Oh my gosh how are you?"
"Never been better."
"Um, still the sword and fire with You-know-who?"
"Without a doubt."
I have to admit, though I did say I was all alone during middle school, she was one of the rare people who were there for a friend in need, not best friend though.
"Wait, she's the Y/n you kept telling me about?" Taehyung asked, obviously confused.
"Umm, what?" I asked, also confused.
"Ah, let me untangle this all," Jisoo said, stretching herself.
"Yes, this is that very Y/n I kept telling you about. And, Y/n, he is my cousin."
Well now.
"Ain't this a surprise. What a small world," I teased. We laughed at our confusion. 

"Hey, speaking of the past, there's gonna be a small party for the past students, hosted by... your personally, moi, and you are officially invited!"
"Past students? I moved away during high school, remember?"
"Well, heck, I just wanted to meet our old friends for a while. It has been a while, hasn't it?" she asked with pleading eyes.
"Oh alright."
"Hehe, Yay!"
"Then I'm coming too. Can I?" It was Taehyung's turn to give pleading eyes.
"Of course. You are my cousin." 

"One more question: Is Jungkook invited?"
"Oh, oops." I facepalmed myself.
"That was the first person I invited. But please come. Just ignore him."
She kept insisting. I had to oblige. "Double YAY! Next week, Saturday,...." and she filled me with all I needed to know about the party. 

*The party*

I wore a black top with simple designs and jeans(I'm not a dress person), my hair put loose and a hairband which added some sparkle to my outfit. Taehyung had come to pick me up, so when he saw me, his first reaction:
"Which is more beautiful, the outfit or you?"
"Oh shut up."
"Definitely you."
Luckily it was dark or he would've seen my red cheeks. 

At the party, which was at Jisoo's house, Jisoo pounced on me and hugged me real tight. 

"Welcome to the party! Come in, the party's inside." 

It was a moderate loudness. The music didn't make my ears explode, nor was it lame. It was perfect. Jisoo took me over to a few people to make them recognize me. They all did, surprisingly. Taehyung met some other guys he seemed to know well, so it was just me and Jisoo chatting. Then she was dragged away by some others, with her shouting, "Brb, Y/n!" after them.
I felt a bit alone, until someone stood by me. Without looking, I said, "Oh thank goodness, Taetae. I was feeling a bit alone there." 

"Taetae? That your new boyfriend or something?"

That voice... I looked up and regretted opening my mouth. I looked front, fuming. 

"Someone bothered to show up here," Jungkook sneered.
"And why, may I ask, do you care?" I crossed my arms, not looking at him. I felt him turn towards me.
"It's weird to see a nerd like you at a house party like this. Also, kinda ruins my mood." 
I heaved a sigh.
"Look, Jungkook, I don't want any fights over here. Mind your own business and leave me alone. I said two things which meant the same thing, but that just emphasizes my not wanting you to be-"

Before I could finish my sentence, I was dragged away to a far corner of the room, where he threw me against a wall.
"Jungkook! Let me go! I swear to god let go of my hand or I'll-"
He put his finger on my mouth making me shut up. I tried shoving his hand away, but he caught mine and pinned it against the wall.
"You talk too much, you know that? And why exactly are you hanging out with that 'Taetae' guy?"
"Why should you care?" It took me a while because of my anger to realize how close we were. And that guy kept staring at me... with... those big, sparkly, deep, doe eyes which I had fallen for a long time ago, his minty breath hitting my face. He didn't move, neither did I. I was able to take a closer look at that face after such a long time.
His face certainly hadn't changed much, but he looked really handsome. 


After what seemed like an eternity, I came back to my senses, pushed him away with all the strength I could muster up and left hurriedly. 

What the heck was that?!

And why was my heart beating like mad? I was a teensy bit dazed until,
"There you are! Where the hell were you? I was searching for you all over the place."
Taehyung looked a bit out of breath. I couldn't help but chuckle at his plight. 

We were sitting on one of the couches having a drink and chatting, singing, when I noticed,

Why did he keep staring like that? What was his problem? 'And why exactly are you hanging out with that guy?' Why did he ask that?

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Why did he keep staring like that? What was his problem?
'And why exactly are you hanging out with that guy?'
Why did he ask that?

"I hate you, Jungkook, and clearly so do you. Why should you care?" I thought to myself.

*Jungkook's POV*

That was the first time I've seen Y/n with her hair loose over her shoulders, in that black fit...
I have to admit; enemy or not, Y/n looked really pretty in that outfit...

*End of Jungkook's POV*

We can't be enemies forever...//Jungkook FF  [Completed]✓Where stories live. Discover now