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*Time skip*

The venue was decorated to the maximum. The hall lights could be seen from a block away. The path to the hall had different coloured lanterns hung along a wire. The trees had coloured, lit glass bottles hung from all branches. Seems like the decorations squad had overdone it, but it looked like paradise.

I could hear the music blasting from the hall, along with chatting and laughing noises. I saw three girls, wearing hight heels and sparkling dresses going inside the hall giggling, and a boy, wearing a smart tux and girl, wearing a long blue ballroom gown, coming outside, past the three girls, with their hands intertwined.

I hoped I wasn't underdressed or too dull. I was wearing a black and purple dress, for the first time in forever. It was at least matching my anonymous date's bracelet. I looked at it and sighed. Here I am, not knowing who my date is, while Jungkook...


I was walking along the campus, seeing all the guys and girls asking one another's dream date out. Why not? A kiss under the mistletoe with your one and only is a dream come true, ain't it?

I saw Taehyung talking to Dahyun, who was laughing her head off to all the crazy things he said. I couldn't help a smile come across my face. That is, until...

Jungkook was talking to a girl, his back facing me. I didn't care much at first, only that he was right in front of my locker. I tried to look away, when I saw him hugging her. I've never seen him hug a girl like that. I'm sorry to say that I kind of overheard her saying,
"See you then, love!"


I pursed my lips and turned on my heel when,

"Oh, Y/n! Where are you going? Your locker's over here."

I looked back to see Jungkook giving me that sweet smile of his that never ceased to make me melt. I didn't speak a word while going up to the locker and taking my books.

"Found a date yet?"

I looked at him, still smiling. No sign of mockery.

"I'm not sure," I said, glancing at the bracelet in my locker.
"I'm at a crossroad right now."
"Why?" He looked at me with confused puppy eyes, tilting his head to the side.
I chuckled and said, "Why worry about me? I see you already have one." He gave a sheepish smile and played with his ear.
"Well, she also says she'll see about it. Why the hesitation? Am I not that good?"
You have to be the best, I thought in my head. "Maybe you must be annoying," I said, teasingly. He looked at me with a 'wtf' look.
I chuckled at his reaction.
"Chill bro, I was just kidding. That face though. Hahaha!" His frown turned around to a giggle.

*End of flashback*

I took a deep breath and went inside the brilliantly lit hall.

Everyone was certainly dressed for the occasion. Guys were in sharp suits while the girls wore sparkling and beautiful dresses.

"Hey Y/n!"

I looked over at the voice source. There they were, Janet and Jimin, Taehyung and Dahyun, and... Jungkook.

He looked so handsome in that suit

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He looked so handsome in that suit.

I went over to the round table. There was just one chair left, and it was right next to Jungkook. I hesitated.
"Why aren't you sitting down?" Dahyun asked. I looked at each face and came to Jungkook.
"Your date?" He scoffed and said,
"Just sit down, prissy polly! Besties first," patting the chair. I was surprised at first, then remembered that he can be the most bratty guy ever.

The dance floor was crowded with all the students, dancing away to the songs.
We were talking, well, shouting to hear ourselves above the music. While all were drinking, I, being a non-drinker, was just sipping a cold juice I asked for.

Also, I was looking out for my anonymous prom date.
Jungkook kept looking at me and asked, "who are you searching for?"
"Hmm? Oh, just... my... umm... prom.. date?"
He looked at me, with a skeptical look, eyebrow raised.
"Mmhm. And, who is he?"
I didn't know who it was, but I also didn't want to look stupid infront of Jungkook.
"Well, it's someone I know, I... hope..."
I said the last part as quietly as possible.
I heard a slight chuckle from him. Ugh, I must've surely sounded stupid!

After half an hour or so,
"Attention please!"
The music stopped. All heads were turned towards the podium. The university headmaster was there holding onto the mic.
"I feel a long boring speech coming," Jungkook whispered to me. I hit his arm, "Rude!"

But Jungkook was, unfortunately, correct. It was long, but not so boring.

Afterwards, the host came up.
"Now, how about we have our prom couples on the dance floor? Let's start this prom with a romantic ambience, shall we folks?"
Everyone was hooting and whistling at the host's words.

A slow and really romantic song was being played. Then one by one, the boys were taking their date to the dance floor holding their hands.
Taehyung went with Dahyun and Jimin went with a blushing Janet. I smiled and gave them a thumbs up.

While I was looking out for Mr Anonymous to show up and ask me to dance with him, suddenly, Jungkook took my hand and got up. I looked at him, shocked.
"What's wrong?" he asked, seeing that I wasn't following him.
"Why are you dragging me?"
"Don't you want to dance? They said prom dates," he said.
"Exactly! Where's your..." My voice trailed off afterwards. He smirked at me.
He leaned closer to me and quietly said, "All you need to know is, I got my answer," while holding my hand up to my face. The bracelet!


it was...


I was dazed while he dragged me onto the dance floor. He swung me around, only to hit his chest as his arm wrapped around my waist.

Then everything came flashing infront of my eyes.

"I just asked out a girl for the prom"....

"Found a date yet?"

"She said she'll see about it too..." The 'love' talk didn't seem so, though...

"And who is he?"... a slight chuckle...

I came back to where I was, in Jungkook's arms, waltzing over the floor, his deep eyes staring into my soul. "Looks like someone was adding 1 and 1. Did you get your answer?" he smiled. I nodded slowly, feeling the blood rush to my face.

A/N: Lesson to be learned; sometimes what you are searching for, is sitting right next to you.

We can't be enemies forever...//Jungkook FF  [Completed]✓Where stories live. Discover now