shrek x reader (request)

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shrek x reader

Hi111 heres another request from a friend!!! its gonna be from your pov so itl be a little different enjoy!

"hi shrek" you say to ur green boyfriend shrek as u climb throuh his window becos his front door is loked

"hey y/n" he says, his voic husky and gruff from eatig to many cokroches. silly shrek.

you are in his swamp but he dosnt care. princes fiona is not in shreks house at the moment becaus she is out partying with her swampy buddies so its just you and shrek and you come over to his place everie friday nigt. donkey comes around sometimes he is here today shkre is cooking up some grubs in a frying pan. he puts them on 2 plates and puts a bottle of vodka on the table. he sits down. you sit down opposite him.
"dinner time!!"u say excited he smiles the corns of his mouth sreching across his green face. yu two picks up yor forks and he pores 3 glassas of vodka into the mugs on the tabel

yo two start eating. the grubs taste very yucky today.

"what did you put in the grubs they taste very good' you ask and lie

"i marinatid them with spider blood saws" he exclaims excitedly

no wonder why they taste so bad

"wow!!" you say

you 3 keep eating

"lets have a toast to our relashanship!" shrec says holding uo his glass

"cheers y/n"

"cheers shrek"

but donk doest say anything becus he is single and 3d-weeling so he just sits there quiatly eating

you clink glasssss with shrek and take a sip of the vodka. it tastes great, much better than the spider blood sores. yuu put it down and lock eyes with shrek. he leans over the tabel for kiss and you lean in too kissing his lips wich also taste bad from the blood saws

sudenyl the front door burstopen

"hey shre- who's this???"" shreeks a voice suddenly

you and shrek turn to see who the visitor itss princes fiona. she has come back early.

"oh no' you wisper loudly

"this is my friend, y/n"

"what is your friend doing here> said princes fiona

"im dating him" you blurt out and shrek looks at you with a oh no face

"you're CHEATING ON ME???" screaed fiona "SHREK HOW COUD YOU"

and she run outside and quikly come back holding the outhouse from the gardenn she throw the outhouse at shrek and it brakes so now you have no othouse anymore so you fell a little sad

you and shrek and donkey screaming

"i hate u shrek how culd you do this to me bye!! @donkey come with me lets leave shrek i hate him"

and she storm out and donkey come with her too looking sad and then you live with shrek happily ever after

the end

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