personna 5 which is some anime i think (request)

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ryuji x akira kurusu

Hi this was a request from my friend! These are 2 characters from a anime I think.? called Personna 5 Anyway here it is! Hope you enjoy eee (also btw akira is the one with glasses and ryuji is the other guy, akiras glasses are actualy black as u can see but i made them yellow to fit the story)

akira kurusu was at the glasses shop trying on glasses becaus he needed new glass. everything was blurry becos he wasnt wering glasses but it was ok. he found a red pair but it was really big and slid through his black hair and then fell on the floor and he felt sad, he really liked the cular red and he felt sad and just stood there stering at the glasses on the floor

"hey do u need any help?!" said a voice behind akira he turned around and there was a handsome guy there, he had blond hair and was like 12 ft tall. akira felt like a midget in front of him. the guy was really handsome omg and he had a name tag on his black jacket and akira couldnt read it well because it looked like iafovnghyufsdijk but when he squinted it said ryuji

"uh;' said akira he was blushing super hard because the ryuji guy was too goodlooking and he just started talking to him??? "n-no"

"ok" said ryuji guy flatching a beutifall smile "im here if you need any help ill be at the counter my name is ryuji" and b4 akira could respond ryuji guy already walked off, akira was speechless and blushing really hard and was just standing there for a good 3.17 minutes before he picked up the ones on the floor and continood trying on more glasses. and then he found a yellow pair and tried them on and he looked in the glasses shop mirror and thought they loked good so he went to the counter to buy them he was so nervous bcos ryuji was their

"h-hi" stuttered akira "id like to buy these uh glasses"

ryuji looked down at him from the ceiling (bcos he was so tall)

"are you for real?!"

"w-wha" akira was confused whats going on

"yellow is my fav cular!" (he was wearing a yellow shirt btw)

"oh haha' akira larfd awkardlie "yeah....... its my favrite colar to haha" he lied even though it actualy wasnt his favrit colar, but he really liked this ryji guy so he tried to fake a comon intrest so he coud make friends.... or so that ryji would maybe want to be his boyfriend.....

"oh!! omg!! are you for real? thats cool, we like the same cular!"

but akira felt a bit bad because ryji smiled a big smile and looked very happy but akira just smiled back a little blushig realy hard

"well anyways they r $3.12" said ryuji

"ok" said akira getting $3.15 out of his pocket. he gave it to ryuji and ryuji gave back $6 change because he was bad at math
" oh u gave me too much-' said akira

"its okey jus take it haha" said ryuji "i give extra change to good looking guys" wink wink

"here let me help u put them on" ryuji say walking over to akirq he gentlie put them on for akira his hand burhsing againgst his face and hair as he tucked akiras hair behind his ear and slid on the glases. akira face was red like a apple. now that he was wearing glasses he could see clearly, now ryui was SUPER HD!!!!!! SUPPER HANSOM!!! whoa

"there" said ryuji with a big smile his teeth as white as bleech.

as he was about to leev akira made a bold move and reached out to grab ryuji hand. ryuji slowly urn around

"hey whats your number i-id like to stay in tuch" he said

ryuji smile

"1234 567 890" he said

"o-ok ill try t remember that" akira said looking down shyly

"aww " said ryuji turning around fully to relaly face akira befoe he reached up and brush akiras chin and tilted it up towards him. akira felt super shy now.

and then suddenly the front door opne

"akira!! time to g- whos' this guy"" said akira mum looking defensifly at ryuji

"he-" akira dont know how to respond

"hi! i work here, iwas just helping him try on glasses" said ryuji smiling

"ok" said akira mum"well its time to go now"

"oh said akira sad 'bye'


then as akira started 2 walk away ryuji pat him on the head and when he turn around ryuji was standing there smiling and akira was blshuing extra hard. is he my new boyfriend??

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