marrying my boss..taylor lautner

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this is my first attempt in writing and well posting it on the net for everyone to read..feel free to leave a comment or whatever. i would appreciate it.

i wrote this story without any direction..i just wanted to write..soo i hope you guys enjoy it.. :)


'he's my boss, and i'm his secretary. i'm not allowed to fall in love or even have a crush on him no matter how famous or how handsome he is..its absolutely unethical!'

'i am not in love with him..i am not'

i sighed as i kept repeating that mantra to myself as i looked at my reflection on the mirror early that rainy monday morning hoping against all hope to even convince myself..then yet i knew that i was lying..lying to myself, to my boss and to everyone else.

i was a sham..a fake and i was also a fool. the secretary who fell in love with her mmm romantic and ahh how medieval it seemed to be. it was like im stuck in a story in a paperback novel and i couldnt stop myself from feeling that way. i was the heroine and my boss is my hero.

'damn..yeah right im a heroine in a novel..sure sammie girl, that'll be the day'

sighing again i resumed to my daily morning ritual before i leave for work. i was his ever efficient secretary. i handled everything with grace and tact so to speak, from his work schedule, to his social calendar...even sending flowers to his ex girlfriends and well girls he dated..i handled all those without complains..and the only consolation i get (aside from the pay..hmm which is very good) is to see him smile at me..and damn that smile for getting me into this mess.

i was hired by his mother, she found me reliable and well..a bit cold for her son's taste. i almost smiled remembering the very first day i met my boss's mom, she was just like my mother..sweet tempered, honest to a fault, blunt in a caring way, she told me i was perfect for the job..i wondered if she was a lil bit crazy..but then again she said mother's always knows best..who am i to argue with that, i've never been a mother and well my mom always use that line when she wants to have her way..and the only requirement she wanted from me was to never ever fall in love with her son..

'im in a mess..i should resign when i could..' i sighed and sipped my cafe machiatto without the usual smile, not even my favorite drink would calm my a few months time i've turned into a nervous wreck and it was all because of my boss..

'samantha lynne wilson, how can you be so fuckin stupid!! so freakin stupid!'

i groaned..i was getting all worked up again and as if getting angry with myself would help me get out of the situation im in. im not even sure anyone can help i said, fuck me for being stupid.

i looked at the mirror again..and the girl i saw was someone i couldnt recognize anymore, maybe it was just a case of bad lust..yeah lust. im lusting after my employer.. but it cant be lust! im..i still am..ohh hell im a virgin how can it be lust??!! well on second thought there might be a slim chance that it can be lust...

how could a healthy and normal girl not lust after such a creation so divine??!! his wonderful eyes that made my heart skip a beat whenever he looks at me..that oh so sexy smile that shows off his pearly white teeth..damn he could be a model for a brand of toothpaste..that sexy bod..yeah it is lust..

love or lust...i had no time to sort those things out at the moment. i dont want to be late for work so those thoughts will have to wait.

i was about to leave the apartment when my phone rang..damn it! i was in the middle of juggling my folders in one hand and my bag at the other..i took the call as i desperately tried to get my folders straight..

marrying my boss..taylor lautnerWhere stories live. Discover now