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It was Monday, the second week of my new job, and I was already exhausted. I was emotionally spent, my dreams lasting most of the night. I kept seeing the look of pure, raw desire in Lauren's eyes. I felt the need to get lost in something primal, something I'd never experienced before. I woke tired and emotionally drained. It was going to be a long day.

Today we were having a meeting with the big boss. Shawn, my new-employee-work-buddy, was telling me what to expect as we squeezed into the crowded elevator.

"Lauren is really awesome," he began explaining, but my mind had stopped thinking clearly when Shawn said her name. It couldn't be, could it? Lauren was an common name, but the world wasn't that small. Or was it? I wondered when my Lauren would call again.

"She makes everyone feel comfortable and knows most of our names. I don't know how she does it."

We stopped at another floor and the people in the vestibule took one look at our sardine can and passed on getting in. Thank goodness.

"She is funny too, tells great stories. She loves to tell jokes and is really friendly. She should have been a stand-up comedian instead of a CFO."

Shawn leaned in close and whispered in my ear. "And she's drop-dead gorgeous."
I glanced at Shawn as if to say, you're cruising the boss?.

Shawn had been a great buddy so far and I felt that there was a good chance that we could be friends. He introduced me to everybody on my floor and the ones above and below and everybody we met in the cafeteria. We were sitting with other people in my department and they were talking about the latest Star Wars movie when the hairs on the back of my neck started to tingle. I always trusted my gut. A voice coming from the back of the room made my pulse jump.

"Good morning, I apologize for running a few minutes late. I was waiting for one last piece of updated data for this meeting and it just came in."

My heart beat fast as the voice grew louder. I didn't hear exactly what she said after that, the roar in my ears drowning out any other sound. The woman who was the boss of my boss was none other than my Lauren.

I stared at Lauren as she held the attention of everyone in the room. She was absolutely stunning in a navy suit and pale blue blouse. Her heels made her legs look a hundred miles long. Her hair was pulled away from her face. I probably wouldn't recognize her if I saw her on the street.

Shawn nudged me in the side with his elbow, snapping me out of my trance. "She's going to read your name and you need to stand up."
I could barely breathe and hoped my legs would work when she called my name. I was mesmerized by the way her lips moved, the way her voice sounded, the way she walked across the room for God's sake.

Shawn nudged me again and I realized that Lauren had called my name. She was looking around the room expectantly, but she had no idea who she was looking for. I took a deep breath and stood.

I knew the instant she saw me. She stopped midsentence and all the color drained from her face. The paper in her hand drifted to the floor. Just as quickly she recovered as if she hadn't just seen me, the woman she paid one thousand dollars a night to strip in front of her.I raised my chin just a fraction, either in defiance or insolence, as if I were saying, I dare you to fire me. I wasn't ashamed of stripping. It was an honest job and I loved doing it. The cash was also great. My night job had no impact on my day job and was nobody's business. Until those business lines crossed.

"Welcome to Allied, Camila," Lauren said, stumbling over my name.

Shawn pulled at my arm as Lauren continued down the list of names. "Do you know her?" he whispered.

"What? No, of course not," I said. In all the years I'd been stripping, despite the hundreds of women who'd seen me almost naked, I'd never run into one of them on the street or in Target. It would have to be Lauren and it would have to be here. Just my luck.

"She sure acted like she'd seen a ghost," Shawn said for colorful commentary.

"What?" I asked again, not expecting an answer. "She seemed fine to me," I said, wanting to deflect any suspicion away from Lauren.

"She has lunch with all the new employees. It's on your calendar for Wednesday."

New employee lunch? I was going to have lunch with my Lauren? That would be more than a little awkward and weird. Lauren looked like she'd rather wrestle a porcupine than have lunch with me. Shit, this had suddenly gotten very complicated.

"Come on." Shawn pulled me to my feet as the meeting broke up. "I have to introduce you. It's my job as your buddy."

I was more than a little nervous as I waited in line with my fellow newbies and their buddies. Finally, it was my turn. What in the fuck was I going to say? Hi, Lauren, get home okay last night?

"Lauren, this is Camila Cabello." Shawn nudged me forward. "She's our new financial analyst."

I held out my hand. "Ms. Jauregui." It felt odd knowing and using her full last name for the first time. "Thank you for making me feel welcome," I said. Seeing Lauren again ignited my cooled libido. Who was I kidding? Dancing for her turned me on more than I wanted to admit.

My insides started twirling and that special spot between my legs came alive, demanding attention. We shook hands politely, like two coworkers would, but the energy that passed between us was anything but businesslike. As a matter of fact, it could probably power a small city. As far as first times went, this was more than a little memorable. God, I was totally rattled.

"Welcome again, Camila. We're glad to have you."

Lauren's face was guarded, her eyes searching mine. I was scared to death that I'd lose this job, but tried not to show it. I'd worked my ass off going to school. This was my big break. What in the fuck was going to happen now?

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