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Lauren spun around and kissed Camila like she'd never kissed anyone before. She didn't have to try too hard because Camila was all over her as well. Camila's hands were in her hair, pulling her impossibly closer, molding her body so tightly to hers Lauren couldn't breathe.The kiss pulled all the air from her lungs and the strength from her legs. She wrapped her arms around Camila's neck to stay upright, but what she really wanted to do was drag her to the bed and never get up.

Camila's hands moved insistently up and down Lauren's back before cupping her ass and pulling her closer. Lauren felt Camila's nipples through her thin T-shirt and she desperately wanted to touch them, pinch them, suck them, drive Camila as crazy as she was driving her.Lauren dragged her mouth away, gasping for air. Her head was spinning, her desire for Camila almost overwhelming her senses. Camila's lips were on her neck, kissing and biting with equal intensity. Lauren let her head drop back, giving Camila permission as well as access to anything she desired.

Their initial coupling was frantic, their climaxes crashing. Impatient hands hurried to touch. The quick graze of fingers across skin heated with desire before it might somehow slip away. Frenzied was replaced with patience and tenderness, yet it was no less feverish. It drove Lauren crazy with need. Slow and methodical, Camila worshiped her. Her body begged for more, screamed for release, but Camila ignored it. She looked at every inch of Lauren, then touched the same places before her mouth finally followed the same path. Lauren was seared with sensation. Every nerve was overwhelmed, the anticipation of Camila's touch, every cell in Lauren's body reacting to her caress.

Lauren knew she should reciprocate, wanted to, but was helpless to do anything other than feel. Camila's hands and lips and breasts cast a spell over her, and she was powerless to break it.

Somewhere after her fourth or fifth orgasm, she stopped counting. She'd always been a one and done girl, but obviously Camila hadn't received that interoffice memo. With what little strength she had left, Lauren pushed Camila away. "I can't."

Unlike the other times she said it, Camila listened, but when Lauren turned her back to her, Camila gathered her into her arms. Camila's body was warm against her back.
Breathless, they lay, legs entwined. Every breath sent tingles through Lauren's sensitive skin.

Neither one of them spoke for a long while, the silence unbearable. Lauren untangled herself and sat on the edge of the bed. Her clothes were scattered around the room, her bra and panties near the foot of the bed. She needed to get dressed and get out of here. Back to her well-organized, well-thought-out life. She started to stand up, but Camila took her hand.

"Laur."Camila's voice was warm and inviting."Look at me, Lauren. Please look at me, Lauren," Camila said again when she ignored her.

Lauren wanted to do more than just look at her. She wanted to get lost in Camila's eyes, her touch, the sensations that made her forget about everything that didn't matter. Everything except Camila.

Lauren turned and faced Camila. She expected to see smug satisfaction, but didn't. She expected to see triumph, but didn't. She expected indifference, but that too wasn't there. What she did see was tenderness, kindness, and understanding. But through it all Lauren saw her future.

"What do we do now?" Lauren asked, afraid of what the answer might be.

Camila's eyes burned with desire with each passing heartbeat. "We do it again."

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