The Group

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Callum's POV

"The Group is the most popular kids in school and you do not want to fuck with them trust me bro they will kill you" he said "Ok jeez don't give me a reason to fuck with them" I replied while laughing and that's when they walked in. The group holy shit they were like the perfect group a mix of all the best talents "Ok so ill explain them for you Ace He is the music prodigy He can play any song on guitar on drums He is amazing and He can sing beautifully and rap like eminem, Troy He is the sports super star for the school also He is the captain for the football team the soccer team and the baseball team, Alex she is a dancer she has won every competition she has gone too even ones she just showed up to watch she is also the captain of the cheerleaders and she is Troy's girlfriend and last of the group the have the social bee but also very dangerous Sarah she could kick you so hard you would go through a brick wall she is a black belt in every martial art you can ask about she highest #1 most dangerous people in the world but she also knows everyone and everything that goes on at school nothing will happen unless she says." he said with a very quite voice as to not disturb The Group "Ok than how do I become part of the group" I said "GOOD LUCK" he said laugh out loud and that's was my last day alive.

Troy's POV

"GOOD LUCK" I heard come from a little wannabee table I walked over with Ace Alex and Sarah and asked "what are we screaming about boy's" they simply just ran off scared that's a perk of being popular you don't have to raise your voice to get people to move "well well well look who it is the jerk squad" Danny said with a smug tone "what do you want Danny?" I replied trying to sound pissed even though I was because Danny was in my presence "oh me nothing much I just really wanna go play a good old game of 4v4 baseball that's all. You in?" now at staton if someone asks you to play a game of 4v4 baseball it means that they wanna smack you in the head with a baseball bat and if you challenge back with any other sport the person to pussy out wins "ok Danny we can also do some 4v4 touch football and some 4v4 soccer" and that when I hear the 2 word I hate the most "OK BET" my team won all 3 games but ughhh my head hurts and that's when *BOOM* I look back to see that Danny tried to hit Ace with a baseball bat again and missed hitting the soccer goal but then I see something out of the corner out of my eye I see that new kid and his buddy from the cafeteria staring at us or should I say staring at Alex and Sarah who were running the track now that the games were over and Danny and his crew of ass hats left. I looked over at the 2 sophomores now I'm a senior so when I looked over at them they ran scared and that's when I posted on snap "ANYONE AND I REPEAT ANYONE LOOKS AT MY GIRLFRIEND OR SARAH IN A CREEPY WAY AGAIN THEY WILL GET THE SHIT BEATEN OUT OF THEM" and that's when people got scared...

what was Callum doing when he was looking at Alex and Sarah that pissed off Troy to the point he is at...

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