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After the celebration with my brother. I sat thinking for a while this was it now ill do it this once seen as I've put so much work into it, this will be my first human i kill! so it will stop all my urges and want.

I hoped so anyway i got all my stuff in the boot of my car. and set of in search for my Steven asprin, i thought i will find you with a little chuckle awww, sorry i already now were you are I've been doing my research.

I drove for about 20 minutes parked out side the Gym were Steven was, and waited, and waited intill i felt like an eternity had pasted i seen him coming out the double doors. He got into is car, i slowly followed behind him as he pulled up outside is house. another waiting game an hour or later i was already dark perfect opportunity . i got out my care quietly and made my way to is tried the back door handle and it was open, wow shocker, someone like him would leave is door unlocked thinks he's invisible. Not for long mate, i sat in is car in the back seat waiting. He finally came out is front door screaming and shouting slamming the door behind him, He really was a jerk, i thought about is girlfriend, and said in a whisper things will be amazing after tonight you wont after worry anymore. he pulled is phone out of his back pocket and dialed put to is ear, as he opened the car door and sat in the drivers set, he said to the person on the phone ill be 10 minutes dude:' i need a good olds drink and some worldly to cheer me up he laughed then put the phone down.

Turned the stereo on. the loudest volume, i couldn't hear my self think i at to get this over with i couldn't wait!! as he was driving down a quiet road i new this was the time. i grabbed my rope in both hands tightly so i didn't lose grip, then i wrapped it round is throat, pushed against the back seat, i didn't want to kill him not just yet he screamed grabbed my hands but mothering was making me stop i got stronger and stronger then more he struggled.

This felt good i couldn't believe I've waited so long i could have been hurting these fuckers! years ago. as he started to calm down i stopped i knew he was nearly dead. i got out of the car looked around to see if anyone was watching, coast was clear, i opened the front door and kicked him to the passenger side got in and drove to my secret location, (a tin can) i prepared this fine piece of art a few days ago covered in cling film and neat little table ready for my fun and games, as i pulled up i got out of the car and dragged him inside and with great difficulty, i managed to get him inside and onto the table were i tied is hands and legs. So he couldn't move at all, wrapped all is body parts with cling film, so i didn't make much mess, are i feel so giddy and excited like a child at Christmas.

I made sure he had no clothes on and put a little white hand town to cover is... well what ever that was I'm not impressed... with that! Then i sat back and waited for him to wake up. I felt like screaming in is ear, shake him so hard that he would freak. But i decided to just wait it was making it feel more exciting. H eventually started to move a little, i sat back waiting for him to realize where, and what had happened to him, as he started to shout i stood up so he could see me, he shouted who the fuck are you? why am i hear? he kept screaming to be honest i felt proud of myself for doing all this myself i wonder what my brother would think, i bet my mam is proud! i grabbed is face so hard and pushed it away put some tape across is mouth and shouted that's enough of that. You don't no who i am but i no you very well you see I've been watching you for a while now i no everything about you from the day you was in court and got away with the rape of a 13 year old girl! i screamed the last part to him. well that's were i come in you might get away with doing horrible things with the law and all the important people but me, I'm the one that makes sure you suffer painfully. He started to shake with anger, and turning is face side to side really fast. I will take the tape of your mouth if you don't shout not that if you do shout anyone will hear you, you will just make me have head ache. He just looked at me so i slowly ripped the tape of is mouth, and waited for him to speak while i got my blade ready to put a little slit on is cheek so i could keep it, like a award something to remember him by.

He started saying i never did those things, i have a family at home, i new this was lia. I laughed in is face like i said before i told you I've been watching you, you haven't got any children just a lonely girlfriend who cant even leave the house, you most likely have got a few kids spotted about but none you no of, i replied, but he didn't say anything he looked lost for a moment he was just about to say something when i put the tap back over is mouth, i made the little cut slowly took so much pleasure out of is he was trying to scream but it wasn't load with the tape being over is mouth, i was s proud of myself i couldn't believe I've waited so long to do this I'm basically doing this world a favour, if i did ever get caught wish i no i never would they shouldn't punish me they just award me. Make me someone important.

That was it i was done talking to him, it was time i did this i put a drop of is blood on to a glass slide and put it in my purse. I would put it away later when i got home. i started at is feet, and worked my way up is body by they time i would get to is belly he would definitely be dead!

I looked up at him and he had is head up just looking into my eyes trying to make me feel sorry for you? i said to him then he shuck is head really fast. Well no one can make a person like me feel bad. see I'm a bad person but i do what i do because they shouldn't be people like you anywhere.

I told me self i wasn't going to look back up at him till is body was still, i got to it i picked up my hand saw he tried to move but i had so much time when he was sleeping i tied him up even more no one could get out of this. I started sawing at his ankle slowly so i could make the perfect cut. He tried is best to wiggle out of my ropes eventually after a while he stopped moving i looked up, and he was laying there still as anything. I walked up to is face and he was dead, the best happiest feeling went through me as i finished what i started i thought that should do it ill never after do this ever again, all over did i want to stop this i mean this was my first its not like I've been doing it years. And i love it its the best thing I've ever done in my life over than looking after mum when ever she needed me but that's because she helped me through the worse part of my life helped me understand i was different from everyone else. Even allowed me to kill incent animals because she new it helped me.

I put all Steven wrapped up parts in a black bin bag, and dragged it to the car, drove to the bridge and wrapped a big metal chain around the bag so it would sink. It would take years for him to be found that's if anyone even looks for a person like this scum bag!

I pushed the bag over the bridge and watch it sink in the mucky horrible water. And thought i bet there's more dead bodies in there. I wonder.

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