Chapter 7:- A Frozen Wonderland

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Kristoff: So, uh, tell me, what made the queen go ice-crazy

.Anna sighed as she glanced at hiccup began recounting the events

Anna: Oh. Well... It was my fault. I got engaged , but then she freaked out, because I'd only just
.met him, you know, that day

...And she said she wouldn't bless the marriage, and
.Hiccup noticed the confused look on kristoff face

?Kristoff: Wait. you got engaged to someone you just met that day
He questioned her, with a raised eyebrow 

Anna: Yeah. Anyway, I got mad, and so she got mad,  and then she tried to talk away, and i
... grabbed glove

?Kristoff: Hang on! You mean to tell me you got engaged to someone you just met that day
.He questioned her looking slightly troubled by the revelation

!?Kristoff: Hiccup, Did she
.He added to hiccup as he didn't fully believe her

!Hiccup: Yeah

.Anna continued obliviously

Anna: Yes. Pay attention. But the thing is, she wore the glove all the time, so i just thought,
.maybe she has a thing about dirt 

?Kristoff: Didn't your parents ever warn you about strangers
He cut across her. looking slightly suspicious, Anna shifted a bit away from him. Hiccup opened .his mouth to talk but decided against it to just let them ramble on

.Anna: Yes, they did. But Hans is not a stranger

.Kristoff looked at her with a smug expression

?Kristoff: Oh. yeah? What's his last name
.He teased her. Hiccup raised an eyebrow, slightly amused. the could interesting

Anna: Of the southern Isles

?Kristoff: What's his favorite food

.Anna: Sandwiches

?Kristoff: Best friend's name

.Anna: Probably John

?Kristoff: Eye color

.Anna: Dreamy

?Kristoff: Foot size

.Hiccup: So you know just a little about your future husband

Kristoff: Yeah, you had a meal with him yet? What if you hate the way he eats? What if you hate
.the way he picks his nose
Kristoff He Asked incredulously

?Anna: Picks is nose
.She asked, turning and shooting both kristoff and hiccup disgusted looks

.Kristoff: And eats it
.He finished with a victorious look in his eyes

.Anna: Excuse me ,sir, he is a prince
She said as she nudged hiccup to her up. He merely shrugged 

.Kristoff: - All men do it

.Anna: Ewww
She wailed shifting away from kristoff and hiccup . Hiccup had punch his stomach to stifle his
.laughter at seeing these two bickering

?Anna: It doesn't , It's true love, And besides... What are you? Some sort of love expert 
Anna snapped at him

.Kristoff: No. But , uh I have friends who are

.Anna narrowed her eyes. She turned to hiccup and said snobbishly

?Anna: He says he has friends who are experts love. Do you buy that

Hiccup got up and stared around in the dark, completely ignoring her, sven had come to a halt

!Anna: What're you mmmh
She complained as kristoff, having noticed something odd, just like hiccup, covered her mouth to shut her up

!Kristoff: Shh
He said as he picked up the lantern and waved it aorund, hoping to see something. Hiccup had really sharp eyes and ,Squiniting , he could see four legged carnivores stalking them stealthily in the dark.

?Anna: What is it
.having noticed the concern on the men's face

!Hiccup: Wolves
.said hiccup as he turned around  

!Kristoff: Go, Go, Go Sven
...He cried to the reindeer. As sven galloped, hiccup, in his element, said

.Hiccup: Kristoff, you handle the reins, I'll hold them off

?Anna: What should i do
.Anna piped up, eager to help

Hiccup: Nothing
.He rebuffed her

?Anna: Why not

.Hiccup: cause I don't trust your judgement

?Kristoff: Yeah. Who marries a man she just met
Piped up kristoff from behind.
.Looking offended, Anna defended herself

She picked up kristoff's ukulele and swung it at hiccup who managed to dodge it just in time as she it hit a leaping wolf in the face. She smiled smugly at him. Out of nowhere, another wolf jumped up and grabbed  kristoff of the  sleigh.
.As he slid along by holding on to a rope hanging from the sleigh
.hiccup took the reigns and anna tried to help him back up
.She lit up a few dirty rags and threw them off the sled and in the direction of kristoff
".As he clambered up, he argued 

!Kristoff: You almost set me on fire

.Anna: But i didn't. She impressed with himself

.Turning his head back, he heard sven moan as he looked ahead. His heart skipped a beat
.They were moving towards a cliff and this time, there was no toothless to catch him

!Hiccup: Uhhh. Guys
.He heard anna gasp as she leaned towards hiccup and said

!Anna: Get ready to jump, Sven
Annoyed, kristoff picked up his knife

!Kristoff: You don't tell him what do. I Do

and with that he pushed hiccup out of the sleigh and onto sven's back, threw anna at him, who
.grabbed him by the neck and he slit the reins of the sled as sven jumped
Craning his neck, hiccup could see that he was preparing to jump of the sled 

.Hiccup: This guy knows his business" He thought to himself

As they thumped on to the other side of the cliff, they rolled around in the snow due to impact as sven balance.
As they got up, dusted themselves and stared at each other, they burst out laughing and hiccup
.lightly punched anna
As anna turned to thank kristoff, her expression turned to fear as the ice man was nowhere to be .seen

Fearing the worst, the two peaked down on the peak of the abyss and saw kristoff hanging onto
.the side of it

!Kristoff: Uh. guys, a little help, Please
.Kristoff yelled as he stared down to see his now ruined sled. He groaned

.Kristoff: I just got it paid off

Hiccup quickly looked around and found the bag containing the axe and rope lying next to sven 
.(who worriedly looked around for his best friend)
He picked up the axe, tied the rope around it in a tight knot and around one of sven's horns for leverage.
Having done so, he threw the pickaxe towards kristoff as yelled 

!Anna: Grab on
.Anna shuffled over, trying to help

Anna: Pull, Sven. Pull

.She told the reindeer
Together, they dragged kristoff off the cliff and into safety 

.Anna walked over to Kristoff, who was lying in the snow mtionless
.Anna peaked over the cliff to see the sleigh catch fire
She let out a quiet 

.Anna: Whoa

Anna: I'm sorry about this. I will pay for your sled. And i understand if you don't  wanna help us .anymore

.Anna spoke sadly as she stood up and walked away
.Hiccup was about to follow her, when he heard kristoff started talking to the reindeer

Kristoff: Well, of course i don't wanna help those two anymore. In fact. this whole thing has
.ruined me from helping anyone ever again

.That was understandable, but the next line was not

.Kristoff: But they will die without you. kristoff said on a high-pitched voice
.Hiccup turned back to him and raised an eyebrow

?Hiccup: What was that

Kristoff: I can live with that. kristoff said to his reindeer. Then he turned his high-pitched voice
.back on

.Kristoff: But you won't get your new sled if they're dead
Hiccup knew what was it like to have strong bond with an animal, but this was too much, even
.for him
He wanted to leave the iceman with the spilt personality there, but it looked like 'Sven' was able to convince kristoff, and  Kristoff obliged with a sigh

!Kristoff: Wait
.he yelled after them stop in their tracks

"We're coming" 
he declared, much to Hiccup's dismay And Anna's joy

!Anna: You will
Anna exclaimed in releif before she put up a false bravado. Grabbing hiccup's arm she stoop up
... straough and said

.Anna: Sure. We'll let you tag alone
.She smiled as kristoff stood up, snickered and followed after them . Hiccup sighed 


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