New home

15 1 5

I was walking in the streets,it's about...11:45 it's been about 3 hours and 45 minutes since i left that house and until now i still wonder why do I have to be the docter of the family they have Mia and Kai why don't they just become docters it's not like they only have one kid in the house

I was so deep in my thoughts that i didn't realise that someone else was running and going to my direction without me realising i bumped into him

"Hey!" I said when we bumped into eachother i fell to the ground and saw that it was a man that is wearing a black hoodie and a black mask to cover his face and he was carrying a plastic bag that is filled with alcoholic drinks and thats when i realise i have gotta get the hell out of here

Oh crap

I got up and grabbed my duffel bag that was on the ground when i fell just then the man infront of me said "Oh what is a little girl like you doing outside in the middle of the night"his voice is raspy and deep i could see mischeviousness in his eyes while he stares at me

"I guess my delivery can wait,why don't we get to know eachother" The man said getting closer all i could do is move backwards I don't know what to do i don't know what to do i don't know what to freaking do!

He started walking closer and closer towards me the grip on the straps of my bag tighten
Then i felt something inside the pocket of my pants i slide my hand inside the pocket them slowly took the object out without the man realising it was a pocket knife

This must be one of the things that i stole from my dad's drawer when i was trying to find my phone i quietly open it then one particular knife popped out of it the man was coming closer and closer until i hit a wall

"Now...why don't you tell me something about yourself" he started to touch me i was getting uncomfortable then i remebered i could do taekwondo this girl can do taekwondo i looked at him in the face then without hesitation i kicked him on the shin as hard as i can then started to make a run for it "Argh!"I heard him cry of pain i kept running and running like my life depended on it well technically my life does depended on it since if he catches up with me i will die

Then i felt a hand on my shoulder it turned me around and it turned out to be my worst nightmare it's the hooded man "You have some guts to do that to me little girl" He said i looked down and saw that the spot where i kicked him now has a huge noticable bruise i smiled at that
See Shira i'm not that weak

Just then i felt something hit me on my arm it felt cold and painful that thing dug deep into my skin and it started to trace going lower on my skin getting closer to my wrist i felt warm liquid fllowing on my pale skin thats when i realise he cut me with a knife and that liquid it's blood,my blood

I tryed not to look at the cut and immediately attacked him with my small pocket knife i stabbed him on the knee the man screamed in pain then i took that pocket knife out i saw that the end of it is covered with blood,then i stabbed it into his other knee,he shouted again he looked at me in anger and pain he dropped th knife that he was holding then fell sown to his knees i immediately slided the knife away from his reach

I took out my phone and dialed the number 911 it started to ring,i just stood there starring at the man my breathing is out of control my face showed exhaustion,my hair was messy my clothes are ripped at the place he cut me with that knife i tryed not to look at it because everytime i see blood it makes me weak

I took off my jacket and tied it tightly around my wound i saw this in action films and it should work just then a voice came through the phone "Hello 911 whats your emergency",i took a deep breath then said "Hi...uh...a man just cut me with a knife and he was trying to take me with him and do...bad...stuff...."i said with a trembeling voice "where are you right now" the woman asked "In xxxx street please come quickly" i said  "Don't worry we will reach you in 10 minutes just stay where you are what is your name ?" The woman asked " is...Park Yungkyu and...i'm...13"I said
"Okay sweetheart stay there we are on our way okay just keep an eye on him" the woman said "okay...." then the call ended

Shortly after the call the police came and took the hooded man away it turns out he was one of the criminals that was on the most wanted list then they delivered me to Yana's house,when i got there Yana's parents and Yana were all shocked to hear the news

When the police got out off the house Yana's mother,Mrs.Kim broke the silence "Yungkyu i have heard from your mother the incident that happen in your home" She said with a concerned face "I will let you stay here of course and you could use Yunseo's room to sleep in since she is back in college now"Mrs.Kim continued,i bowed then simply said "Thank you"with a grateful smile

"Yana why don't you go and cure Yungkyu's cut in the bathroom"Mrs.Kim said while giving Yana disinfectant and some bandages,then me and Yana walked to the downstairs bathroom together

Yana closed the door shut then put the things on the counter "Yungkyu what the hell?!" She said braking the awkward silence between us "Hi...Yana good to see you to"I said with a nervous laugh "No!it's not good to see you to!Your freaking injured!and how could you stay so normal!" She said while waving her hands in the air,i smiled at the look on her face

She rubbed the bridge of her nose "Take the jacket off"she said i did exactly what she commanded me,i slowly untied the knot that i made and immediately saw blood stains all over my jacket and dry blood that is all over the wound

Yana's eyes grew wide at the long and large cut it wasn't deep thankfully it started from my elbow all the way to just above my wrist,she took the disinfectant and bandages then walked to the other side of the bathroom to face the wound

She put some disinfectant on the wound and naturally i winced in pain "Sorry...does that hurt?" She asked me softly "Ya think" I said to her she chuckled at me at that statement "Even though your injured you still make me laugh"She said continuing to put disinfectant on me

Yana started to talk to me about well everything that has happened in her life and so did i,we got emotional at the part where i told her the scene that happened back in my house but without me realising she was done bandaging up my wound she throw the tissues that she used and rolled up the bandages back to it's usual place

"Now stay here i'll grab you your duffel bag so you can change"she took the bandages and the disinfectant with her and walked out of the bathroom i left my duffel bag in the living room on the couch i sighed while looking in the miror starring at my bandaged arm I hope i could still practice

Then i heard the door open and i saw Yana with my duffel bag in her hand "Thanks Yana"I said as i took the duffel bag from her "Now go change then meet me upstairs"She said then closed the door shut i immediately but carefully changed my clothes to my warm comfy pajamas

I zipped up my duffel bag then opened the door of the bathroom,turned off the lights then walked up the stairs when i reach to the top i saw Yana sitting on the couch while playing her phone "Yana" I said to grab her attention she looked up from her phone then walked over to me "You know where my sisters room is right just don't touch any of her stuff is all i'm saying now you go get a goodnight sleep then tell me everything tomorrow" Yana walked back to her room then closed the door shut

Just as i was about to open the door to  the bedroom i heard Yana's bedroom door open and saw Yana doing a heart posed with both of her hands on her head and saying "Love ya,good night!"

"Good night~"I said to her then she closed her door again i walked into the bedroom and dropped my duffelbag on the floor i immediately hopped on the bed got comfortable and went to dreamland

Well i guess this is my new home now

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