
18 3 5

Lee Syi Yeon

It was a saturday morning,the weather is quite breezy and the sun shined so bright today,I was in my room playing on my computer when i heard a knock on the door

I stood up from my seat guessing it's Shira because she went to the store earlier to buy snacks for us,i opened the door and like expected there stood Shira infront of my door holding a plastic bag filled with snacks

"Hey i got the snacks oh and Yana invited us to her house for a sleepover of course with Kayyun and Yung kyu" Shira said while handing me the plastic bag filled with snacks "Hey we could bring the snacks there for the sleepover" I said after sitting down next to her on the bed "I was just about to say that" Shira said while pointing her finger at me "We share one braincell,now come on we need to eat lunch downstairs"

I pushed open the door of my room then walked downstairs to the dining room,i sat on one of the chairs and started to eat the food that was already prepared for me,while i was eating Shira came down the stairs then took a seat infront of me "What are we eating ?" Shira asked me while starring at the food on her plate "Chicken teriyaki" I said while putting another spoonful of the food in my mouth "Oh...ok!" Shira started to eat her food

"Hey when are we going to go to Yana's house again ?" I asked Shira while walking to the sink to put my plate "Um..well...Yana told me that we are going to go there at 4 ò clock" Shira said then she took a sip from her drink "okay!" I said while nodding my head,i walked upstairs and went to my room,i walked to my bookshelf and took a fanfiction book then started to read it

I heard a knock on the door of my room i closed the book that i was reading then walked over to the door and opened it outside i saw Shira while holding her phone "Yana told us to get ready,so we won't be late" Shira said then she went back to her room well it's a guest room but i guess you could call it her room i mean she sleeps and does other things in there so i guess you could call it her room anyways i decided to take a shower then put on my pajamas then go downsatirs yeah thats my plan with that being said i grabbed my towel then took a shower

I decided to wear this pajama to go to Yana's sleep over :

I grabbed my duffel bag that is filled with my nececcities then i take my jacket then turned off the lights of my room,i opened the door then closed it i went downstairs to see my little brother playing on his ipad and Shira eating one of the snac...

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I grabbed my duffel bag that is filled with my nececcities then i take my jacket then turned off the lights of my room,i opened the door then closed it i went downstairs to see my little brother playing on his ipad and Shira eating one of the snacks that she bought earlier "Hey Shira let's go,oh and save some for later!" I said while opening the front door "Yeah yeah" Shira said in a lazy voice,me and Shira got in the car

I shut the door and off we went to Yana's house,Yana's house is in a real estate so she has alot of neighbours obviously and all of the houses there almost looks identical the only thing thats different is that they have codes on their gates,now Yana's house code is 3AB so let me tell you a story about the first time i went to Yana's house

Yana invited me and Kayyun to come over to her house i obviously agreed she told me where did she live and what her house code is and me being the forgetful girl i am forgot the code of her house,i only remember the beginning of the code which is 3A,so when my driver dropped me off i tried to remeber what the code was and....i was confident that it was 3AC so i started to look for the house that has the code 3AC,eventually i found it so like any normal person i rang the doorbell i waited for a couple seconds but then the one that came out of the house to open the gate is a old lady wearing a lavender night gown with flower patterns on it and her hands were wrinkly and she was wearing square black glasses

"May i help you ?" The lady asked me of course i had to amswer her and not just stand there but the thing that i did at that time was glance at the front door trying to find Yana and Kayyun who is playing inside then i heard the lady infront of me cleared her throat "Excuse me do you need any help young lady ?" The lady asked me again

I looked at her then asked her "Sorry to interupt you but is Ya-" I was cutt off mid sentance because i heard a familiar voice called my name i looked up and there i saw Yana who is waving at me through her bedroom window and Kayyun who is laughing so hard next to her,i said sorry to the old lady and immediately ran to Yana's house and after that scene happen they kept making fun of me ever since

"Yeon were here" Shira said making me jump back to reality and out of my own little world,we both got out of the car then rang the doorbell i expected Yana's mom to open the gate for us but it was...Yung kyu "Oh hey Yung kyu your early" I said to her "Mhm!,Oh and i want to tell you guys something later" Yung kyu said while gesturing us to go inside then i noticed something different about Yung kyu she has her arm all bandaged up "Hey Yung kyu whats up with the bandages did you hurt yourself ?" I asked her while walking up the stairs "Thats what i will be telling you now come on Yana and Kayyun are waiting" Yung kyu said to me

Yung kyu opened the door of Yana's room and inside i saw Kayyun and Yana talking "Oh hey you guys are finally here" Kayyun said while smiling at us we put our duffel bags in the corner of the room then we laid out our sleeping bags "So what is it that you wanna tell us Yung kyu ?" Shira asked Yung kyu impatiently Yung kyu took a deep breath then started to tell us how she got the scar and her family issues and that she is going to stay in Yana's place and basically everything

I have to admit i feel sorry for Yung kyu i always thought of her as the girl with the perfect family and life and now that she told me she got kicked out of her house just to do what she loves and make her dream become a reality she had to go threw all of this it's just unfair to me i couldn't help but give her a big hug "Hey atleast i get to audition" Yung kyu said while giving us a weak smile "It's going to be okay Yung kyu were here for you, anyways who wants to watch a movie ?" Yana said "Me!" We all said in chorus

We got out of Yana's room then we walked to the living room which is right infront of her room she took the remote then asked us "So...what movie do you guys wanna watch ?" Yana turned on the TV and started scrolling down the movie options "How about....a action movie!" Yung kyu suggested "Sure" we found a action movie that i heard from Kayyun is so good she said she heard it from her cousin so we started to watch it

The movie was 3 hours then we went back to Yana's room and started to talk and tell jokes to eachother then we started to read fanfictions on wattpad (not sponsered) then we all fell asleep at 11:30


Hey guys it's me the author hopefully you like this chapter and enjoyed reading it amd i didn't bore you to pieces and please keep on supporting me and luke always love you all 3000💜💜💜💜

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