Chapter 9

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Black, white, and several shades of spattered grey.

These were the colors the doctor saw as he held the x-ray up to the ceiling, examining the blending of the hues with a careful eye as the bright light filtered through.

Several other personnel clad in labcoats bustled about behind him, entering data, processing blood samples, shuttling carts stacked high with complicated machinery, and some were debating with one another about a discontented patient whose skin had turned orange from a miscalculated dose of medication.

Then, the automatic door hissed open and all froze mid-step to turn and face the newcomer who had entered the medical wing.

Then, the automatic door hissed open and all froze mid-step to turn and face the newcomer who had entered the medical wing

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A gaunt man sauntered in, his bony hands folded neatly behind his back, carrying himself with an air of authority. It did not even matter that he stood shorter than a handful of others in the ward—all words ceased and everyone bowed to him in nearly perfect sync.

Why his scarlet hair, oh-so-meticulously combed into place, had not begun to grey was a mystery: a life’s dedication to research had aged his face well beyond his years and hollow wrinkles sagged beneath his solemn eyes. They scanned the room behind the panes of thick-rimmed glasses, seeking the doctor with the x-ray in hand.

The doctor quickly realized that it was he who would be graced with the man’s presence and he bowed in greeting as he approached.

“Leader Maxie.”

His leader wasted no time with formalities and jumped right to business. “What is the diagnosis, chief doctor?”

“Pneumonia.” The doctor presented him the x-ray, pointing to several telltale blotches on the film. “Quite widespread too. If the infection didn’t kill him first, then the dehydration would have.”

“Ah. Just as I suspected.” Maxie adjusted his glasses and straightened his posture. “We will want to begin treatment immediately.”

“Yes, sir. We’ve hooked him up to an IV and will be prescribing him antibiotics. Anyone who has been exposed to him will want to take them as a precaution as well.”

The corners of his leader’s mouth curled into a thin smile and he turned to address the entire room. “Superb work, ladies and gentlemen.”

“Thank you, Leader.” The room replied in unison.

After giving it another quick study, Maxie handed the film back to the doctor.

“Might I check in on our new patient?”

“If you want my personal advice, Leader, I would allow the morning for the first round of medication to kick in.”

“Excellent. I will be on my way then.”

With that, Maxie, the leader of Team Magma, spun on his heels and strolled over to the exit, the automatic doors closing softly behind him.

The moment he left, the organized chaos resumed.

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