Chapter: 12

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Vibhuti's P.O.V.

" Ryan" I said shocked

' Sis" Ryan said with Same expression as mine.

After coming out of shock , I lunged towards him and he was already prepared for it , I guess it's a twin thing.

" Security called me and told that someone entered your apartment. So I came to catch the thief." Ryan said while scratching back of his neck.

" You were the incharge of security of my apartment right." I asked him after understanding. My brothers were less expressive about their emotions towards me but I knew they care about me secretly.

" Hmm. Are you going to invite me in?" Ryan said bringing me back from my dream land.

" Oh sorry, Come Come." I said embarrassed, stupid me.

We entered living room and just then granny walked out of her room.

" Is that you Ryan?" My granny asked him.

" Gran , yes. How are you gran?" he asked while touching her feet ( Indian tradition in which you take blessings by touching feet of elders ).

" God bless you and Yeah I am fine. What about you dear?" She asked with tears in her eyes. Even I am on the verge of crying.

He sighed and said

" Nothing is fine gran, Tushar bro is getting married to a bitch. Aastik bro has become workaholic and a womeniser after Em was seen with some male model and me , I am the typical boy who completed software engineering and joined Adam's company for knowing the industry before starting my own company and about Mom and Dad , let's say no one likes them ." He said with a shrug but I know he was paining from inside . I admit while he took Adam's name I was shocked but I am glad I came back because my family is a mess right now.

" Umm About Ariel , Ryan I knew about it already and it is the main reason I came back." I told him and just then Raghav walks out followed by Riya. When they saw there is guest in the they became shy and rushed behind my legs. Ryan was shocked will be an understatement. His mouth was open and eyes were literally popping out of his sockets.

" Ryan , Meet your nephew and neice Raghav and Riya." I told him while pushing twins in front of me.

" Twins ! Oh my god you were pregnant with twins and aren't they have same name picked by gran to name us but mom rejected it?" He asked while sitting on his knees and admiring my babies.

" Yeah, I always liked those names so when I got a chance, I used them." I told him while going back the time, I first held my kiddies after six hours of painful labour. They were born one month early but were perfectly healthy .

" I am such a bad uncle and brother, I not only missed out of your life but also of my nephew's and neice's." He said with moist eyes. I was shocked would be an understatement , my twin never cry and when I say never I mean it . He have this strong control on his emotions that no one in our family have , so while seeing him like that it was a big shock.

" I am not going to lie, it did hurt when, No One out of my three brother stood up for me when
Mr and Mrs Oberoi threw me out of their life like I am just a dirt , if it is shiny and sparkly with rain bow colours it is decorative and if it's brown throw it out." I told him because if we didn't discuss what happened , there will always be some awkwardness in our relationship.

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