The decision

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"Wake up! Wake up!" A giddy Alois skipped into your room, holding a beautiful (f/c) dress.

You rubbed your eyes and sat up.

"Huh? What is it? What's happening?" you stifled a yawn.

"Ciel's coming to a dinner party with us! Sebastien and Claude will be there too!" Alois did a twirl then held out the dress to you. "You'll be wearing this!"

"That?" you asked, awestruck. "But it's so beautiful!"

"Yes! a beautiful dress for a beautiful girl!" Alois blushed, leaving the dress on the end of the bed and leaving you to get dressed.

You walked down to the Trancy Mansion garden to find that Ciel, Sebastien and Alois were already there, sat at a long table.

"My lady!" Ciel stood up blushing as he saw how beautiful you looked.

"Amazing!" Alois breathed, taking your had and leading you to your seat. The table had a long white tablecloth that was scattered with lovely pink rose petals. You looked at Ciel, then at Alois and smiled. You were lucky to even know people as nice as they were.



The two butlers walked over, bringing cake.

'That's odd,' you thought 'Aren't cakes desserts?' although you weren't complaining! the cakes looked delicious!

The mysterious butlers placed two plates in from of you, one with chocolate cake on it, the other with strawberry.

"Try Ciel's cake first! after all you gotta save the best till last!" Alois stifled an evil giggle.

"O-okay..." you blushed, bringing the cake Sebastian placed in front of you closer. It was the chocolate cake. It looked amazing, two sponge layers with chocolate cream sandwiched between each layer, on the top there was more chocolate cream with chocolate chips! It was delicious! It reminded you of living at Ciel's.

After that, Claude placed a strawberry and vanilla sponge cake in front of you. It was beautiful! It had pink icing rose petals scattered along the top, the sides of the cake were decorated with more icing roses, and the cake itself had vanilla icing as a base colour to make the pink stand out more. The cake reminded you of Alois' personality! It tasted just as good as Ciel's!

You'd finished the cakes and complimented the boys on their cakes, making them both blush.

After that Alois got up, walked over to you and kissed your cheek softly, you blushed.

"Wh-wha?" You exclaimed. Alois shot Ciel a devious look.

"May we talk, over there?" Ciel gestured, anger in his voice. Alois walked over to Ciel.

"If you have something to say to me, say it to (y/n) as well!"

Ciel broke.

"YOU BASTARD! I BLOODY HATE YOU!" He raised a hand to slap Alois round the face, but Alois caught his hand just in time.

"Now now, you mustn't show yourself up in front of a lady," Alois' sassy comeback made you blush.

Ciel turned to you, making you blush more.

"(y/n) I'm sorry... It's pretty obvious now that you like Alois, and I'm sorry but, (y/n) I love you." He kissed your cheek and gestured to Sebastian that they were leaving...

As Ciel walked away you could see that he was completely shattered on the inside.

(There will be two endings, one where you choose Ciel and one where you choose Alois)

Ciel and Alois x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now