🌻Part 1🌻 New City, New Life

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(Yeah I watched Spider verse MMMMM, Miss me peeps?)

You were sent to New York City, the big apple, away from your hometown. Your parents offered to come with you, but you wanted to be on your own. Why? You wanted to just be alone for once, you were old enough to take care of yourself... Or so you told yourself. You made your way to your new school, uniform and all.

The uniform was kinda tight, but it's what you had to live with at this point. You'd rather just wear a comfortable hoodie to be honest.

Your first period was physics, Yuck....  It was like math, BUT SO MUCH WORSE. You'd suck at this school, you don't even know how you got in the first place.

"Students." Your professed announced, "Today... We have a new student with us. Their name is... (Y/n) (L/n), please, tell us about yourself before you take your seat."

"Well..." You replied, "To be honest I dunno HOW I even got here but.... I'm glad I did something cool in my life besides eating snacks." The class chuckled a bit as a response. "But anyway, hopefully we all get along. I don't wanna start any trouble on my first day." You gave a slight smile at everyone.

"Honest introduction (Y/n)." Your professer coughed. "Please take your seat." You nodded, and made your way to your new desk.

You sat down next to a boy who was drawing something in his notebook, with his highlighters. Making the picture pop out like neon lights. It was some sort of graffiti... You did like art, but never payed much attention to the graffiti side of the arts.

From your professer, all your Heard was a goose walking down Paris. Absolutely nothing that made since to you. You more paid attention to the graffiti the boy was drawing next to you. You tried making out the words, since graffiti was sometimes hard to read.


Is what you saw, you rose a brow... Wondering what that word meant. Maybe it had some sort of deep meaning that you didn't know about. Or maybe it was part of his past you never understood... You wrote a note, passing it to him.

"I like your graffiti, it's shiny."

You weren't as open at times, but you decided to shine your light this time. The boy rose a brow, but wrote back.

"Oh, uh thanks... You're new right?"

You nodded in response, handing him another note.

"Yeah, I passed some sort of test and ended up here. For who knows why to be honest."

The boy gave you a smile, and the two of you passed notes, to not attract the attention of professor of course.

"Same here... What was your name again? I was busy with my graffiti here."

You wrote back.

"It's (Y/n) (L/n). How about you graffiti boy?"

The words "Graffiti boy" made him snicker a bit, but not enough to catch the professor's attention.

"Miles Morales. I'm a student here, good luck. They push you here like it's final's week."

You sweat dropped, nervous about the school already. Jeez. Hasn't even started yet!

"How come you made it?"

You wrote to Miles, he wrote back.

"I have my ways."

He gave you a wink, which left you confused. However, after class the two of you finally got to ACTUALLY talk.

"Your ways?" You questioned Miles. He nodded in response.

"It's called... Training to be a nerd." Miles replied. "I wasn't a nerd at first, but now I am."

"Wow." You sighed. "I thought you might've cheated or something."

"They'd catch me if I did that." Miles replied as he got something from his locker, it looked like... Drawings of the new spider man...?

"Woah, you a spidey fan?" You asked pointing to his notebook. Miles almost dropped the notebook, embarrassed.

"You.. Could say that." Miles answered as he hid he notebook in his backpack. "He's... Super cool! I'm just trying to figure out the... Whole web thing he does." You looked at his "Spidey Notes" and rose a brow, it looked like... Blue prints for Spider man's web shooter.

"You're trying to figure out how he did it?" You asked. Miles nodded.

"Besides. I could take you on a ride sometime." Miles told you. Suddenly his phone rang. "Oh-! I Gotta go!"

"Next period isn't in 5 minutes...!" You reassured him.

"N-No uh-" Miles stuttered. "My... Dad wants me! Yeah! I gotta dentist's appointment today...!" He stumbled off before you could stop him, he acted so weird. But you decided to shrug it off, this was New York After all.... Who knows what web you could get caught in.

To be Le Continued~

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