13. Dream

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2 months later~~~~~


BTS will be performing on the stage of MAMA this year! The fans are waiting for their new come back and it will be super awesome! Hope that yo-

"JUNGKOOK!!!" Jin screamed from the practice room. Jungkook quickly ran to the practice room from the washroom to see why his Hyung called him.

"What's  wrong Hyung! ?" He panted and looked around for what's the cause for that scream.

"Get him out of here!!!" Jin pointed to mini Jungkook who was hanging from Jin's shirt.

"What's wrong with him?!!" Jungkook walked in and grabbed mini Jungkook who puffed his cheeks.

"He wanted the mic from me.. when I said him no he started to hit me and then hung on my shirt," Jin explained and hissed at mini Jungkook who also hissed at Jin.

"Aishh..how many times I will say, Kookie!  No mic! It's heavy for you." Jungkook scolds him but he stared at him before his eyes filled up.

"Ah...Sorry!  Hyung, you go and practice! I'll be leaving!" Jungkook quickly said and rushed out.

Mini Jungkook started to sniff and trying hard not to cry. Jungkook walked back to the dance room where J-Hope, Jimin was.

"Jungkook-ah! Your verse is on." J-Hope called out when Jungkook entered with Mini Jungkook.

"Omo..what happened?!" Jimin said when he saw mini Jungkook wiped his eyes with his large paw of the hoddie.

"I scold him." Jungkook sat mini Jungkook down on the couch and returned to J-Hope.

Jimin slowly walked to Mini Jungkook and kneeled in front of him. He holds his puffy cheeks and made him look at him.

"Aigoo..why there are tears?" Jimin asked while wiping mini Jungkook's tears away.

Mini Jungkook pointed at Jungkook while puffing his cheeks more. Jimin smiled at him and promised him that he will scold Jungkook about it which made Kookie giggle.

Break time~~~

"MAMA sure will be hard for us this year!" J-Hope panted and took a seat beside Suga.

"Hell ya...the competitors are very tough...." Taehyung said.

"But I believe in ARMY. .they will sure make a way for us." Jin said and bite into his sandwich.

"Jimin, what's wrong?" Namjoon asked Jimin who was quiet.

"Uh...it's nothing..just wondering. ." Jimin said in a low tone but everyone stared at him to say what he wants to say.

"Uh..don't you think these guys miss their parents? " Jimin said and looked up to meet everyone's eyes.

"Their parents?" Namjoon asked.

"Yeah... I mean we are used to staying away from our parents but they are kids...isn't it hard for them to stay away .." Jimin said and everyone nod.

"Well, he is right...we never asked them about it. " Taehyung spoke first.

"Let's ask them .." Suga spoke and everyone nod.

"But it will hurt them!" Jimin said but no one gave a response to it.

"Everyone gather here!! Come on come on! Suga walk fast!" J-Hope instructed and clapped his hands.

The mini's lined up but Mini Jungkook was rubbing his eyes and yawning.

'J-Hope!  He's still sleepy!' Mini Tae point at mini Jungkook.

"But we need him too," J-Hope replied with boldface.

"We can let Kookie sleep a little later.." Jimin showed the amount of time they will take by his fingers.

'So..why did you called us?' Mini Namjoon asked as everyone was staring at the grown-up BTS with their big eyes.

"Uh...um...well .." J-Hope hesitate to say because it wasn't a topic to discuss freely especially for him.

The minis still stood there with no words until a small yawn was heard and everyone turned their head to their right.

"Okay, let him sleep now. I can't handle his cute yawning face!" J-Hope said as he covered his eyes so that he doesn't have to witness any more cuteness.

Jungkook carefully picked up Kookie who rose his hands for getting up tiredly. He patted his small back to let him sleep.

"Okay ...now. um...Namjoon can ya ask I just can't handle it." J-Hope says and moves aside for Namjoon.

"Um..guys. Don't ya miss your eomma and abuji?" Namjoon asked them and most of them turned their head to a side like they didn't get it.

'I guess we all miss our mom and dad. But you guys also stay strong and stay away from them as well so it's not a big deal..' Mini Namjoon replied and turned to the guys.

"Such a brave thought at such a small age," Suga said as he was impressed by his answer.

'Did ya forget?  We are you! So if ya feel homesick we will feel it too.' Mini Hope said and every mini's nod.

"Well, it's been a long time we haven't visit our home," Jimin says and ruffles his hair.

"Almost years..." Taehyung replied.

"Now...I kinda miss my family..." Jungkook says and puts Kookie on to the couch for sleeping well.

'Why don't ya go and visit them?' Mini Suga says and stares at the grown-ups.

"Yeah...I guess so..." Namjoon said in a low tone.

"Let's go home after MAMA!!" Taehyung chirped and everyone else snapped their head to him.

"Will Pd-nim permit us? " Jimin asks and Taehyung grinned.

"If he doesn't then....." Taehyung trailed off to turn back. He pointed to mini Jungkook who was sleeping on the couch.

"No..not again!" Jimin said and tried to contain his laugh.

"Yes! Yes again!" Taehyung said and his smile grew wider.

"Let's practice hard to put up a great show at the MAMA!!!" J-Hope chirped and everyone cheered as well.

'We wawnna cheer for you too!!' Mini Tae wiggled his whole body.

'We wawnnaw see you perform!!' Mini Jimin says with his big puppy eyes.

'Soon we will perform for our stage!!' Mini Hope beamed and mini Suga groaned.

'Let's do it, guys!' Mini Jin held his hand and one by one of the minis put their hands on top of each other.

'Let's make our dreams come true!!!'


Super boring chapter 😅😅 sorry can't help it. No idea what to work with. ....😅😅😓

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