Superman vs Saitama

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DC vs One Punch Man, two overpowered caped heroes goes out in the battle of the ultimate hero

<Cue: Invader Theme>

Toomi: Heroes can come in any form, whereas you are a green shapeshifting alien or a thug who can swing a metal bat.

Megumi: But one thing that makes these two iconic is strength

Toomi: Such as Superman, the Man of Steel,

Megumi: And Saitama, the Caped Baldy. She's Sachi-san, Toomi-san and I'm Megumi-san

Sachi: And it's our job to analyse their weapons, armour and skills to find out who would win a Death Battle

Superman flies into What if Battles

Superman flies into What if Battles

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<Cue: Superstar by Alexandra Amor>

Toomi: In the DC Universe, there is one particular hero that brings hope and peace to the world. The most powerful hero capable of defeating almost any foe.

Megumi: And that hero is the hottest, toughest and strongest man in tights known as Superman.

Lois Lane: Why are you here? I mean there must be a reason you must be here.

Superman: Yes. I'm here to fight for Truth, Justice and the American way.

Sachi: But long before he becomes the hero he is today, Clark Kent was born as Kal-El on the distant planet called Krypton. His parents, Jor-El and Lara become aware of Krypton's impending destruction and Jor-El begins constructing a spacecraft that would carry Kal-El to Earth.

Toomi: During Krypton's last moments, Jor-El places young Kal-El in the spacecraft and launches it deep into space, sending Kal-El to the planet called Earth.

Sachi: The spacecraft lands in the rural United States, where it is found by a passing motorist. Jonathan and Martha Kent adopt Kal-El and name him Clark Kent. As Clark grows up on Earth, he and his adoptive parents discover that he has superhuman powers. The Kents teach Clark to use these powers responsibly to help others and fight crime.

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