𝓢𝓽𝓸𝓻𝔂 13 •

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"When I think about how it ain't fair.. Eomma weren't there to comb my hair, to cheer me on, to help me dress for my high school prom, like all mothers do.. Does she think I didn't need her? To hold my hand, to dry my tears? Did she even miss me through the years at all?"

Taehyung clutched his chest and appeared to be in pain when Jungkook confess that he is truly heartbroken at that moment.

"Jungkook.. For a long time, there are a lot of questions haunted me too and you wouldn't believe how detrimental it was to my self-esteem growing up without knowing much about the outside world. Eomma also keeps telling me about hyungs, but w- what can I do? I can only create my own imaginations about them."  Taehyung voices sounded insecure.

Jungkook didn't really have the energy to lift his head, when his arm cramped painfully as he moved, he realized he was still resting his head on Taehyung chest and completely forgotten that he had been frozen in that same position the whole time "Taehyung, what kind of person is our mother?" Jungkook asked.

"She's.. kind and pleasant to everyone she meets. She has a soft spot for someone easily, she trust them without asking much, just.. like you Jungkook. She's lovable too and I have no worries knowing that I have a loving Eomma by my side to helped me get through everytime I got ill so bad."  Taehyung explained as he rubbed his head to ease his headache.

"What you mean everytime Tae? Are you sick or something??"  replied a now worried Jungkook as he stared at Taehyung.

"Hmm? Uh, It- its nothing j- just a normal flu.." Taehyung stuttered out; "Kook, actually, I- I'm jealous of you. Y- you have older hyungs to protect you wherever you go.. Oh! Earlier you mentioned our mother? D- did you.. believe that I'm your twin?"  He asked curiously.

That response made Jungkook slightly chuckle, suddenly Jungkook gave Taehyung a quick hug and played with his hair to make it look messier than it already is;

"I don't know.. How should I say.. I believe you're my twin Taehyung."  the younger responded then paused before he groaned desperately; "Aigooooo, how long are we gonna be stuck here?!"

The air was heavy with the heat, coming moist through the air vents and carrying the obnoxious odour of metallic scent.

The door where the boys were held suddenly opened and they heard voices belonging to someone that they knew. They waited fearfully, too stunned to do anything so they kept still until they heard a calling...

"Jungkook! Taehyung!"

"That old man... He used to be one of appa good friend. Until one day, they cut off their friendship ties because appa decided not to join him in doing any illegal business."  Namjoon explained as he scoffed.

"Hyung, what I don't understand is, why Jungkook and Taehyung is their target and why now?"  said Jimin.

"Because appa did something back then, that it results to the loss of his whole Empire and now he wants everything back by using the boys as his bait. Earlier he told me to choose either Jungkook or Taehyung."  Explained a worried Jin.

Yoongi looked at everyone confused with a feeling of his heart wrenching, "Choose one of them? What if we don't?" 

Jin was really confused now as he's unable to answer that question; he had to fight to stop tears welling up from the feeling of utter loss.
It might be a mistake done by their appa in the past and he didn't intend to let history repeat again. Not when his little brother Jungkook and Taehyung, in danger.

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