Chapter 1: Initial D

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Another long day at work, huh? Looks like it's gonna be one of those days. I sigh as I check the clock once more from behind the convenience store counter. It seems like it was 3:00 hours ago, but somehow, the clock reads 3:04. Wheeeee. Time sure does fly when you're the only cashier in some dinky convenience store tucked away in a little corner somewhere in Tokyo. Fun times.
I'm suddenly dragged out of my thoughts by the familiar chime of the door opening. I jump to attention, expecting a customer, but instead turn to see a familiar mop of spiky brown hair.
"Ah, Takase, it's just you. How many scrapes today?" Poor Takase Haruto. Life really just decided to spit on the poor kid. He was my coworker who took the shift after me, but recently, he's been showing up earlier so he would have all the bumps and scrapes he accumulated on the way here cleaned up and treated before his shift started. He was a fairly new worker, and apparently he applied so that he could have a little more money to bounce back from a cancer scare he'd had earlier this year. He was also the clumsiest boy I had ever met.
"Not that many today, (L/N), I think seven is a new record!" He flashed me a lopsided smile, then went to the back to get out the first aid kit. This was routine by now. I sighed and shook my head at the boy with a small smile, then went back to my riveting game of 'stare at clock'.
Eventually, time came for my shift to end, so I changed out of my uniform, packed up, and waved to Haruto on my way out.
As I was walking, I went to put on my headphones, only to find the wires impossibly tangled. I squinted in frustration, trying to untangle the labyrinth of wire, completely oblivious to the world, including the car approaching at high speed. Takase, bless his heart, thankfully wasn't, and vaulted the counter before bursting through the doors and sprinting full tilt towards me.
"(L/N)-SAN!!! LOOK OUT!!!" I was startled out of my untangling by being roughly shoved to the side and onto the asphalt.
"Takase-san....? Oh. Oh my god. OH MY GOD! TAKASE!!!! SOMEONE CALL AN AMBULANCE!!!"

And that's how it all began.

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Woo hoo! Chapter one! Made up name for the human of the cells! I assumed that the human just looked like the normal cells, since they make the human....yup. Also noticed I've been gender neutral thus far....want me to keep it that way? Both gender will be absorbed into the fluff harem either way so,,,,
Anyway, tell me what you think! I'm pretty sure it's like four in the morning for me rn so imma go to sleep and maybe post a bunch of chapters tomorrow ^^;
Stay Healthy!

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