Chapter Two: Crackpot Doctor

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"Please be okay, please be okay, please be okay...." I chanted it like a mantra as I followed the recently-hit-by-a-car-and-hopefully-isn't-dead Takase along the hospital hall. I really only knew him from work, but come on, hasn't life thrown enough at this guy? That car wasn't even going to hit him! So why did he...?

We reached the end of the hallway, and a hospital lady told me to wait there while they took him in. I impatiently waited in a vaguely uncomfortable plastic chair for what seemed like hours, when I heard a commotion from about halfway down the hall.

"C'MON! I KNOW IT'LL WORK! I JUST NEED SOMEONE TO GO IN! IT'LL ONLY STING FOR A SECOND, I SWEAR! HEY! LEMME GO!" Wow. Sounds like a weirdo broke in. The argument continued, the crackhead spewing out things like "it's for science!" and, "you call me crazy NOW" it almost helped me forget about the life threatening situation my coworker was in. Almost.

After a while, the argument spiraled into a fight, at least from what I could tell. There were noises of struggle, metal clanging, and hurried footsteps. Headed in my direction. Oh, this is bad, isn't it?

The man, who I could now see had crazy gray hair in a strange kind of pseudo bun, a stained Hawaiian shirt, what it is stained with I do not want to know, A pristine white lab coat, cargo pants, and rubber boots, was hurriedly jogging down the hall holding a box of strange looking contraptions. He looked at me and his eyes lit up. I felt ice cold terror run down my spine.

"YOU! You're PERFECT! Here, put this on, and this, and this, do you have insurance? Oh! This too! There, perfect..." he continued to ramble while hooking various machines onto me before I could even blink.
"Okay remember to report anything interesting you find to me dearie!"
"R-Report what? Who are you? Why am I doing this? What are these things?"
"Semantics sweetheart. Just tell me what ya find."
Before I could get another word in, I was shot. Not by a bullet or anything, but a strange laser beam. Then the world began to spin and grow and I couldn't recognize a thing, and then I was jammed into a room with a bunch of other people, only these guys seemed to all be wearing some kind of red uniform, and all were looking at me in terror like I just grew another head.

"Uh...hey..." I tapped someone on the shoulder. He jumped, and looked at me like I was gonna bite his head off.
"Do you know where this is?" He stared at me with wide eyes before finally, tentatively responding,
"W-What? This is a blood transporter, I think? He said we were-we were being sent to another, uh, body....I think."
You blinked. Once. Twice. Then you politely asked the boy,
"Excuse me? What are you?" He gave you a strange look, then backed away slightly before responding.

"I'm a red blood cell, though I'm not quite sure what you are."

It's, uh, it's been a year...huh. I know I know I suck at updating. Like, a lot. Sorry about that folks. I however will not promise improvement. I suck and I will continue to suck and it will probably be half a year or longer until the next part comes out. It will come out though, so I can promise you that!

Stay spicy!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 17, 2020 ⏰

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