Different Feelings

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Charlotte's P.O.V
I got to class,it was a class I had with both Henry and Jasper my other best friend..I waved at them and took a seat right in front of Henry.
"Hey",Henry said poking me," what took you so long?
I sighed and replied"I was in an accident".
"Are you okay?", he asked.
" am fine"I replied,"it was nothing I couldn't handle".Miss Shapen stepped in followed by a boy..
"Hello class", Miss shapen shouted," this is Jason Hathaway,he will study with you guys from today onwards".. I can't believe this,this is the same boy from earlier he is gonna study with us..ughh now I have to share my class with a jerk..this is not the senior year I had planned..
"Char",Jasper whispered,"Jason got you speechless".. Stupid Jasper
" you are crazy Jasp",I said,"The only guy that ever got me speechless is Blake and not some Jerk".
"Oh yeah", jasper said amusingly" Hen,Char still got that stupid crush on Blake".
"Shut up Jasper", Henry said.
" thanks Hen",I said winking at him...
"Miss Paige", Miss shapen called," any problem?
"No miss Shapen",I replied..
" Mr Hathaway, go and sit beside Miss Paige",Miss shapen said..
What? Sit beside me? Good..now I have a jerk as a neighbor..
"Thanks Jasper", I said sarcastically..
" anytime char",he replied..I could kill that Jasper,how dare he say that Jason made me speechless,the guy is not even handsome,he just has perfectly squared jaw,wonderful set of eyes and kissable set of lips...God what am I saying and to top it all his Golden Blond just reminds me of that of Jace Herondale of shadowhunters(i just love Dom)..Who am I kidding the Guy is not just handsome but hot,,lord help me..
"Hi", a familiar voice said," so you are Miss Paige?"
I turned,glared at him and returned to whatever it was I was doing before..
He snickered and said"what a snob".
I ignored him and paid attention to wat Miss shapen was saying...Am not gonna let him ruin my perfectly planned out senior year..I turned to look at him once more and he flashed me a dazzling smile,Oh lord I could kill for that smile but I can't let him win..I smirked at him and turned to face the teacher...I wanted to feel angry but all I could think about was how handsome he looked with that smile..Oh my lord, its official I have gone crazy...
Jason's P.O.V

My family and I moved to swellville few weeks ago,I had to enroll at swellville high.. I can't understand why we had to leave New York and come down to this small town,nothing seems interesting here,everything is just boring except that small dark skinned girl...I bumped into her earlier today I was already in a foul mood,I wanted to apologise but instead of an apology something else came out...I expected her to be calm but hell I was wrong,she gave me a glare that scared me for a bit but she looked cute with that look...Now am seated beside her in class and am trying to be friendly to apologize for earlier but seems like the little dark skinned girl is set out for war..I find that amusing and attracting too..Maybe Miss Paige is gonna be my savior in this town..she is the most interesting thing that has happened to me here in swellville. This is my last year of high school and am not gonna let swellville ruin it for me,am gonna have fun and enjoy my senior year..Miss Paige is gonna help me with that. Maybe this year won't be as bad as I thought..
"Mr Hathaway" I heard Miss shapen's voice,"care to answer the question on the board?".
"Uhmmm", I turned and saw Miss Paige staring at me with amusement," Esterification ma"..
"That is right Mr Hathaway", Miss shapen said," you can sit down now".
I looked at Miss Paige and she looked disappointed,did she expect me to fail that question..whatever it was she wanted I guess she was disappointed and that is one point for me.

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