Falling in place.

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(Swell vile High)
Henry's P. O. V.
"Hi char", I said.
"Hi", she said dejected.
"What is the problem", I asked noticing her expression.
"It's nothing", She said"I need to talk to Piper".
"Here I am trying to find out why you are sad and you are looking for my sister. Remember am your best friend not her", I said.
"Don't tell me you are jealous", she said.
"I am. You spend more time with Piper this days", I said.
"That is because she is helping me with prom", she said.
"I could help you with that", I said.
She rolled her eyes.
"I really need to talk to her now. She is the only one that can help me now",she said.
"Try me Char. I might be able to help", I said. She stood speechless for a while, probably debating on whether to tell me or not.
"Well,,,you,,, know Blake uhmm.. "She stuttered.
"What did Blake do"I asked impatiently"speak up".
"He canceled", She said looking at her shoes.
"What?", I asked.
"He is not coming to Prom, I don't have a date to prom", She said finally looking at me.
"That is good"I exclaimed happily.
Trust me this is the best news I have heard in a long time.
"Henry!! How am I supposed to find a date for prom when it is already around the corner", She said obviously sad.
I hate to see her sad but I can't help but feel very happy that Blake isn't going to prom with Charlotte.
"We will figure something", I said.
Maybe she would end up going with me.
"You might be  happy about this but please can you not make it obvious", She said.
"If that is what you want", I said and she raised an eyebrow"I mean am not happy".
"What do I do?", she said"I can't go to prom without a date".
"Sup buddy", Jasper said joining us. 
"What is wrong with Paige", Jason asked.
"Blake canceled", I said.
"Canceled what?", Jason asked.
"Prom. He is not going to prom", I said happily.
"Really Henry. You couldn't keep your mouth shut", Charlotte said.
"They are our friends", I defended.
"That guy is not my friend", Charlotte said referring to Jason who just ignored her.
"Why did he cancel at the last minute", Jason asked.
"He said something about some college and scholarship", she said.
"I don't understand", Jasper said.
"He had to go out of town because he was invited by a college and there Is nothing he can do about it", I said.
"Am sorry Char. Just look at the brighter side"I said.
"And what side is that?", she asked.
"You still have us", I said. She rolled her eyes at that comment
"What do I do guys. I can't go to prom alone", Charlotte said. "I really need to talk to Piper".
"Piper can't help you. You have what you need right here", Jason said smiling mischievously.
"What is he talking about", Charlotte said. Jasper and I just shrugged.
"Henry. He could be your date", Jason said. I could hear my heart beat out of my chest. How could he make such stupid suggestion, it really not a stupid suggestion but Charlotte will never agree to go to prom with me. Now I have to prepare for rejection.
"You are right. Henry doesn't have a date and neither does Charlotte. You guys can just go together. What do you think Henry?", Jasper said. Going to prom with Charlotte would be the best that ever happened in my high school life.
"Would you wanna go to prom with me", I heard myself say. Charlotte was speechless. I guess she is pissed. "Just as friends Char".
She smiled and nodded.
"Don't be late Hart", She said.
My heart exploded in my chest even though I knew we are just going as friends.
"So is that a yes ?", I asked awkwardly. "of course. There is no way am going to Prom alone", She said with that smile.
I couldn't help but smile so wildly.
"It's a date then. I mean a friendly date", I said.
"It is", she said smiling very brightly too"I need to talk to piper about this, I don't think she will be happy".
"I doubt that", Jasper said"she is gonna love this".
"I hope so, wouldn't wanna piss her off.  See you later guys", Charlotte said and left.
"Bye char", I said happily.
"She wasn't that happy when Blake asked her", Jason said.
"How would you know?", I asked.
"I was there", Jason said"congrats man you got yourself a date".
"Thanks man. You helped a lot", I said.
"Your face is gonna split into two if you keep smiling like that", Jasper said.
I just ignored him, no one is gonna ruin this moment for me.
"She just said yes to prom not like you guys are getting married", Jasper said.
"Am just very happy Jasp", I admitted.
"Good thing you are starting to admit how you feel", Jason said.
"It doesn't mean anything guys, let's not ruin this perfect moment. I need to make sure my tux and everything is ready for prom", I said and left.
"And you are suddenly into prom. Young love isn't so easy", I heard Jasper scream, followed by their laughter. I didn't mind because am going to prom with the only girl I would wanna spend my entire life with. Am the happiest man on earth. 
(man cave)
"Why does Henry have that stupid grin on his face"Ray asked.
"That is because Henry is going to prom with Charlotte", Jasper said.
"What?", Ray said.
"What about Blake?", Ray asked.
"He canceled. He had something he needed to take care of", Jasper replied. Ray nodded.
"What is he doing", Ray asked pointing at Henry who had his Nose on his phone.
"Probably checking out new hair products or tuxedos", Jasper replied"He is now obsessed with prom, he said he wants to look good".
"Hey kid"Ray called out to Henry"over here".
"Ray any emergency?", I asked.
"so I heard you finally got a date", Ray said.
"Yes. Charlotte and I are going together", I said nonchalantly pretending it was no big deal.
"And that is why you have been in the clouds", Ray said.
"He is been grinning like an idiot since Charlotte agreed", Jasper said.
"That is not true", I stated.
"Don't you think that this is the opportunity for you to tell her how you really feel", Ray said.
"There is nothing to tell Ray", I lied
Am not going to admit to anyone about how I feel about her because I won't be acting on it.
"This might be your last opportunity. Use it wisely", Jasper said.
"There is no way Charlotte would ever like me back", I said. "have you seen the kind of guys she likes?".
"Blake?", Ray said.
"Yes and am nothing like him. I can't even compare to him", I said dejectedly"so instead of telling her how I feel and ruining the wonderful relationship I have with her. I would rather we stay as friends". I said finally admitting my feelings to them.
"You said it all Hen. You are nothing like Blake. You are a different guy, a better person. You are a good guy, a super hero for cry not loud and if Charlotte doesn't see that then she doesn't deserve you", Jasper said.
"Which am sure she sees", Ray said"don't let this opportunity pass you. You are gonna regret it kid".
"Ray is right. Just talk to her am sure she feels the same way", Jasper said.
"You don't have to lie about it"I said.
"I have seen the way you act around each other. Everybody sees it, even Piper and Jason. Am sure she feels the same way", Jasper said."just tell her and you might be surprised".
Could Jasper be telling the truth? Is Charlotte in love with me?Love that might be too much.  I would be okay even if she has the smallest crush on me. Maybe it is time to take that bold step and find out what she really feels. Maybe she likes me too, last time at the street she didn't push me off when I wanted to kiss her. Maybe I do have a chance. Just maybe.

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