Free Hugs - BTS

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Lots of swearing

Yoongi hated Hoseok.

Yoongi hated Hoseok and his fucking bet.

He thought he could win, but he should've known that when his best friend brought out the Sprite, he was done for.

If it was anyone else, drinking anything else, he would've won.

But no, Hoseok finished his drink 0.1 seconds before him and now he had to stand outside Coffee Corner. For 20 minutes. Holding a sign that said 'FREE HUGS.'

Fucking Hoseok

He didn't expect anyone to approach him, not when he glared at anyone who came within a five meter radius.

And Hoseok watching him from a bush some ten meters away wasn't helping with his embarrassment.

But alas, Yoongi was wrong yet again.

A guy walked passed him. Two, maybe three years younger than him and an adorable little bean, in a cute ass sweater. But he looked absolutely miserable. His eyes never left the ground and he looked like he wanted to curl up and cry. However, when this boy saw the 'FREE HUGS' sign at Yoongi's feet, he instantly came over and wrapped his arms around Yoongi's torso.

Fuck, Yoongi thought
Fuck, why is this adorable person hugging my so tightly
Fuck, why does he look so miserable
FUCK why is he crying

"I'm so sorry." The guy pulled away, trying and failing to wipe the tears from his eyes. "I just really needed a hug."

"Why?" Yoongi asked. "Why do you look so miserable? And why are you crying??" Yoongi's hands were still on the younger's waist, and the younger's hands were still around Yoongi's torso. Yoongi though they fit together perfectly; but now wasn't the time.

"Well, I broke up with my boyfriend, Jungkook, a couple weeks ago and I thought I was over him. But then I saw him getting snuggly with Taehyung, my best friend since kindergarten, and it hurt so bad. Then at lunch, I found out I had forgotten to bring food and money so I haven't eaten anything for hours. My professor hates my guts and I have so much homework it's not even funny. And on top of that my boss apparently hates me as well and just fired me. How hard is it to just survive??" By the time he finished he was crying again.

Yoongi brought his hand up to cup the boy's face and wiped away the tears that were rolling down his cheeks. "Hey, It's gonna be okay," he said in a hushed tone. "Don't cry, I'm here for you." He pushed the boy against his chest again.

They stayed like that for ages. Yoongi knew that his 20 minutes were well and truly over, but he didn't care. This boy would be smiling by the time he left, no matter how long it took.

The younger pulled away, after he had stifled his sobs. "Thank you," he said, in barely more than a whisper. "Thank you so much."

"Anytime," Yoongi replies, wiping the tears off the younger's cheek with the pad of his thumb. "Hey, how about I treat you to coffee and a snack and you tell me about this idiot of an ex-boyfriend who was stupid enough to leave an angel like you."

The boy smiled softly. "Sounds amazing. Thank you so much."

As they walked inside the cafe, Yoongi grabbed the younger's hand.

"I'm Yoongi, by the way."

"Jimin. Park Jimin."

Hoseok was never gonna forget about this.


"Hoseok, there's no need to be salty just because I have a boyfriend."

"I'm the reason you have that boyfriend in the first place! You should be thanking me!"

"Thank you, Hobi-hyung!"

"Jimin, what have I told you?"

"That you love me~"


"You two are so fucking whipped, I swear to God."

So this kinda sucks
But I'm tryna get over writers block for another, longer fic that I'm writing
I legit thought of this in the shower smh
Anyway I'm soft for Yoonmin

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